Tuesday, March 17, 2020

A Staycation Of All Staycations?

Michigan has been shut down for at least 2 weeks. I thought about taking at least one week off, and maybe picking up hours at my other job. I was about 5 minutes into my vacation,  and became bored right away.  So I picked up hours starting tonight. I am mostly signed up for collecting unemployment. I just never got a text back for my 2nd confirmation pin number. No clue what's up with that. Just like that a major portion of the Economy is shut down. 

There cannot possibly be enough money to bail out all those who need to be bailed out. Airlines, unemployment for the states. interest rates are low so Corporations floated bonds to some ridiculous level. Those become due. We are talking like $11 Trillion worth.  

Is this the knockout blow to capitalism?  A lot of body blows. The dotcom bust. The financial mess in what was it 2008?  Then the virus hit, and shuts everything down. 

I figure many in the restaurant business live paycheck to paycheck.  What happens when they start getting kicked out from where they live?  

It can be a pretty scary time I think. How much of this was in your 5 and 10 year plans?  We basically are blind huh?  Especially when the unpredictable happens.  

2 weeks off for people can be a big deal. All of a sudden people still won't be going out, cuz they have to play catch up now. Bills don't stop coming. 

Holland is a tourist area in the Summer.  That will take a hit this year just like everywhere else. March Madness doesn't happen this year. Vegas is basically closed. 

It is an interesting time, cuz we cannot see or predict the future days. We don't know how different our normal is 4 weeks from now. 

Oh my stupid fingers are too skinny now so my wedding ring fell off somewhere.  I was down to 165.9 pounds last week. My schedule will be kinda whack this week. Going into work at 8:00 PM instead of already sleeping. My resting heart rate is down to 171. 

I think I'll go to bed for a while. If I can get just a couple more hours of sleep I'll be golden. 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeee.      :)))

Try not killing family members the next couple of weeks.      :)

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