Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Shopping Ain't No Joke.

So, I went Christmas shopping yesterday. I thought I'd buy a few gift cards at the local shops downtown. I did the walk,  and all the stores seemed dumb. I didn't know what my wife would like. For me, I could get running shoes no problem, or a gift card at one of the bike stores. Other than that I don't know why anyone would shop downtown Holland. I got her one gift card at a nice clothing place called the outpost. More work to do.

I stopped for a couple beers at a place I frequented a lot before. New Holland Brewery.  They stopped making my favorite beer, I haven't been there in a few years, and I see no reason to go back anytime soon.

I was in a money spending mood, since I have more money than I need. I was going to take Lisa and Brian to the Southener to get some fried chicken.  Brian was with Greg at VI, so we went there to eat, and have drinks. It's always nice to go where the people know your name.  I had a couple Jamesons on the rocks, and Misty the bartender bought me a Maker's Mark on the rocks.  I gave her a good Christmas tip, and had a veggie pizza too.

I guess it was a fun day. Work was not horrible,  as the Patriarch did a ton of production.  My impossible day ended up not being bad. 

Today will be a day, and I am happy for it. Life should be fun, and mine is. At this stage life is a movie you are not excited to see, but it surprisingly is a pretty good movie.  Glad you did it kinda thing.  Think Slingblade. No one gives a shit about seeing it, but when you do you are glad you did it.

Life.   :)

Gotta go,  going to work early,  not really a challenge for me.   :)

Laterzzz.   :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.    :)

Bye.     :)

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