Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Baby It's Cold Outside

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday I finished binge watching the rest of season 1 of Deadwood. Our highs this week may hit the teens, so it will be a cold one. I am kinda looking forward to a week of binge watching tv. I can't say as I do it often, so what the heck.

Not too much on my mind, maybe nothing as usual. We may get some snow today, so I can run the snow blower again  I don't know if people think about the upcoming year at this time, I have no real thoughts on the issue. This year will be another year.

None of us are really doing anything that important. Our lives are not epic in the least. We are not so unique to somehow be considered special. I suspect we want to brand ourselves as special, but we are just one of the many people who find ourselves living here.

I can't imagine what goes through a person's mind, I just know it isn't perfect thoughts.  I know lives aren't perfect, and perfect happiness is out of reach.  A human heart will always chase after wind to find contentment.

We all kinda grow up lost in this place. Someone somewhere has the answers right?   Maybe those who wear nice clothes, or have nice houses.  The problem with me is I know what's in a human heart. I know there are things that trouble all.  You hide it, and hide from it, because you have no idea how to deal with it.

Couple that with our real self that isn't really special, and life can be hard. The truth is tough stuff to deal with I guess. Outside we take nice selfies of ourself, but what does it look like inside?

Anyhoo, just getting something down.

Laterzzz.   :)

xxoo.    :)

xoxo.    :)

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