Friday, May 17, 2019

The War On Women.

Well the religious right is on the wrong side again. Still. Always. Women's rights and all, whatever. More importantly it is better for all to just not have kids. Don't fucking do it. Better off are those aborted than to see all the evil done under the sun. Only twice in the Bible see abortion used. The other time Job prayed like I did during those 6 days "please make it so I was aborted before birth" 

The teacher who came had 12 followers. None procreated. The teacher even said it is easier in life to go solo if possible. The multitudes will not have a favorable outcome. Don't fucking have kids. The religious right fight the other sides battle as usual. Have more and more kids. They do the enemies bidding. 

Yes yes yes, when I see people til this day having kids I am not rejoicing. I think people just made their walk harder. I know all the fairy tales.  You were supposed to be on a journey learning other stuff. Why the fuck else would we have gone in the wilderness?  To show the true nature of our existence. Not to have more fucking kids.

I saw abortion in my Twitter feed, and gathered Alabama is on the leading edge of who the fuck wants to live there?  #1 on their list of tourist attractions doesn't even exist. No one travels there for fun. I am 52 so not a biggie to me. I rarely even have sex anymore. Don't really give a shit about it.

I do know my life. It was a struggle just finding myself. Who am I compared to who am I "supposed" to be. If people knew the real me with my fears insecurities etc...  The serious part of me that isn't always trying to have fun will they  still like me?  My first heart break that was hard. The first time Carolynn and I dated. Just a short while, and I blew it.

Life's a struggle. You shouldn't wish it on anyone. The best gift you can give is not making others. Some have already so we go accordingly. Don't think it made your path easier though cuz it did just the opposite.

That's the truth,  and that is what we are about. The brutal truth. Not a fairy tales harmony. One's a lie, and one isn't. One is a father of lies,  and one is the other.

Your life is you, not your cause. Time to put your grown up pants on and deal with you.  Fuck Alabama, and don't worry about your cause. The World is a shit hole. First just deal with you.

Anyhoo,  I slept 8 hours last night. Under 30,000 steps. 28,000 +  I did get a lot done around the house. Pretty good day I guess.

Laterzzzzz.          :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.          :)))

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