Thursday, May 2, 2019

Easy Like Thursday Mooo🎵🎶oor🎵🎶ning

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was okay. We worked a full day, I got my workout in, picked up a prescription,  and made dinner. I ran the robot,  threw some dishes in the dishwasher,  took the garbage out. You know just your basic day. Watched a show, fell asleep at some point, and then went to bed when I woke up.

Today will be a day. It's s non workout day, so I have a lot of time. I have to check the weather,  yesterday there was rain in the forecast for the afternoon.  I really don't have much on my mind. Another day down, and another started.

I think toward my day today, and there really isn't anything too stressful on my mind. What new?  Today is just going to be another day in my life.

See this is what I was talking about yesterday. Sometimes what I write is just stupid. I never know though. I did a rough count the other day, and I tallied ~2300 entries in just this blog. That's a lot of days getting up,  and writing whatever pops up in my mind. I never go back and read anything, so I don't remember what I even wrote.

It don't matter anyway. It's not like it's a part of my legacy or anything. There are no legacies. We all end up 6' under, and we won't be worrying about legacies at that point. Contrary to how our hearts feel, we aren't important. Our lives are not some remarkable thing. People really are enslaved to the way of the World, unless they go the path of overcoming.

The World adds a lot of stress. You have to be politically correct, say the right things,  act the right way etc...  You are under pressure to be happy. You want to have fun, but sometimes fun isn't exactly the right thing to do.

Some people have to raise kids, have meetings, plan for the future. Pay bills,  plan for bills,  hope more money is coming in than going  out.

For me,  I just am. I do as I feel. It's just I don't feel like doing anything dramatic. I am happy with my simple life. You have no idea. I am free from much of the stress inherent from just living. My heart isn't tied to the stresses of the World. It's separate from it.  I don't really know how to explain it. You cannot even really get a minor glimpse of what it's like to walk in my shoes. You have no idea. I can walk in your shoes,  and I know things are hard. Into the Wild probably seems like a good idea. Maybe living at Walden Pond, but I found the secret to that. The key is the heart, and that we do not control.

You cannot in a million years be free from the World. It's out of your power. I did go that path, and I am thankful. I cannot help you get to where I am. I used to think you were supposed to be here, but you missed a step. Now I have no idea. The story gets played out. I am not the author. I do not control the ending. I just have the outline, and I know it's good. It already is, and it's not finished.

My heart is strong, which means I can make a unilateral decision on anything, and not worry. All for good helps with that. I don't make unilateral decisions frequently. It's probably not always a good thing for others if I do.

Anyways, I spose.

Today is a day.

Laterzzzzzz.          :)

xoxo.            :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeee.       :)))

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