Tuesday, May 14, 2019

It's Been A Weekend.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am okay. My sleep has been sorta out of whack. I saw Avengers Infinity War was on Netflix. Also I never saw it. I saw endgame in theaters before infinity war. How did that happen?  I kept thinking after Endgame I must have missed a movie. I did.

I played disc golf on Saturday so I was sore as Hell. Still am. Both sides of my groin. I was practicing my throwing,  and threw wrong on Saturday. I know my mistake though.

Other than that not much. This week will be a long week. We will be shorthanded. Memorial Day is coming up,  so really we should be pretty busy through Labor Day. I cut my grass yesterday. Operation kill the lawn has been scratched. The back yard is atrocious.

Really a lot going on I guess. You know how in your mind you contemplate all the things that need to be done? It would be nice if the guy gets our driveway done soon. Oh, I did replace my 20+ year old gas powered weed whacker. The new one works great. The last one worked 20+ years. Also I have to get the garden going soon. Geez we are redoing one side of our back fence too. So much to do.

Other than that though life goes on. I did think of something last night. I am accepted. My plot is on a crash course. My story will be told. I don't need to have a certain amount of politeness. Basically people have no say in what is going to happen. I am free from concern, like do I have to be considered right?  I have no use to be holier than thou. That fakeness I have no use for. I am not the best a person can be, and I don't have to act it. I wonder what percentage would like to have that burden off their backs.

The knowledge accepted you are not a Saint, and the strength to live accordingly.  Luckily I am not a mass murderer or anything. I just want to enjoy my day to day. Keep busy, have a meal. Do stuff. I don't have any dreams of what my best life would be like. This is it. Being free means I don't have to accept the societal norms FB wants to shove down your throats ad nauseam year after year. Like I voted did you?  Happy Mothers Day etc...  

The World I have no use for. It also has no say in my story,  except that I am not a part of it. I don't listen to its rules of political correctness cuz the World is the fakest thing out there. It's pretty gross really. If people could actually see inside their hearts they'd know like me you aren't a Saint. That is hard though. The proverbial log is still there. The World is still your master.

That you cannot change for yourself. When you were given the option to go the route I told you about, you chose the World. Greatness still eludes you too.

It does me too, but I don't even care. How I live now is way better than I could have imagined. So easy.

Anyway I spose. Where we go from here I don't know. Like my whole life post turn. We are in uncharted waters. I have no clue,  but my direction is good. Security and assurance have been with me since overcoming twice. The strength that comes with it too.

Laterzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeee.       :)))

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