Friday, May 24, 2019

That 2:30 AM Alarm.

I did NOT think I was going to get up early this morning. That early alarm went off, and WOAH!!  I was out. I tend to get up soon after though. Yesterday I didn't. I slept as late as I could.  Today I guess I could have stayed in bed. I like writing this thing for some odd reason. Also I thought maybe I could run this morning. I am healthy, so I think I can.

Yesterday was a day. Pretty normal outside of sleeping in. I took Hope after work,  checked on my tomatoes, weeded the side of the house,  and made pizza. I was only around 25,000 steps yesterday, but the day before I was around 35,000 steps. It looks promising for hitting my random 72 mile/ week goal.

Outside of that not much. Makes you  wonder why I do this huh?  It's not like I have anything important to say. I don't think I thought of anything real significant I don't think. I do feel when I get home,  and chill for a bit I get a 2nd wind. I take on a project like weeding the side of the garage. It makes me feel good to accomplish something. I'll then eat a meal, and crash. My pizza was really good.

I slept good last night. Let me check. Around 6-1/2 hours. I feel ready to start the day. No major plans. Maybe go frisbee golfing after work if the weather is good.

Yeah, that's about it. Nothing really on my mind. It's a simple life huh? Work, and if the weather is nice I'll go frisbee golfing. I don't have any responsibilities outside of working. Nothing I need to escape from. There is no stress I need to have a break from. I don't have any questions or concerns about life. I don't daydream in what ifs. In life I found what we all seek for. A feeling of contentment. This life does not need to be better. It's good enough as it is. I am not sad,  and I am not lonely. Can you imagine just sitting before work wondering if the weather will let you go frisbee golfing today. That's it. The only concern. Plus you have home projects you can start on. Memorial Day is basically here.

I am 52, and I don't have anything to really worry about. When it came time for me to make life's decisions I had no clue what I was doing. Not sure what I wanted. The World seemed so full of imperfection everywhere. All along what I wanted was just these simple days. Stay busy, stay active, have a meal, and sleep good. I feel good in my own head you know?  I have no baggage. It's All been taken away.

The secret to me is my heart. It's just naturally happy. Well perhaps not so naturally,  but it is different now then the one I was born with. My feeling comes not from me. It's just a gift.

Who knew?  Surely not I. I did not direct this story in the least.

Anyways, I think I'll try and run.

Fun fun.

Laterzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.         :)))

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