Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Day.

So yesterday I am pretty sure I used up all my energy. I passed the 30,000 step plateau. My workout at the gym was just a little tougher than usual. (tired)  I did get my home part done, unlike Monday when I forgot,  and chilled. I had no energy for anything else. I was spent. I ate dinner,  and crashed soon after.

Personally I don't think I want to spend all my energy in a day. You don't feel fulfilled you just feel tired. I slept like a champ yesterday. I feel I shouldn't limit what I do. I guess I feel like I want my body to keep up with me. So many variables in any given day. Sleep is always different. My resting heart rate is pretty steady, so I am not fighting anything. Every day can be different though.

At home the last two days I sat outside with my shirt off. It was like 70° and sunny. It's been a while. I probably got a little sun. I do like that part of my day. The sit outside and chill part.

Outside of expending all my energy yesterday nothing crazy happened. Work, eat, chill, sleep. Sleep was good. I had to recharge my watch so I don't know how much I slept. I know I woke up for the first time right before my alarm. I wondered what time it was. I looked at my phone, and 10 seconds later my early alarm went off.  My early alarm is an important part of my steps. Take Hope. I am not running now, cuz of my groin, but I still get steps. Pretty sure I was at 20,000 steps before noon the last couple of days. I'd get home with like 28,000 in hand. Day won.   :)

So there. A day was had. Sleep was good. I am having a coffee ready to start it again. A new day. I feel pretty good about stuff. I am busy, I am active. I feel good about me, and my life. I am not angry toward anyone I know of.  I don't miss anyone. I've lived a life of no regrets I'd say. I haven't been a Saint, but I dealt with all the baggage already. Just living you accumulate it. My life is pretty easy cuz I don't have a lot of anger. I put forth effort in stuff, and that I feel is a good trait. I don't look for the easy way out.

I really got nothing today. Just a guy who woke up from his sleep ready to start another day. I am not fighting for any cause. I guess I am white and male, so it's not like I've been persecuted.   I don't have to deal with that anger I guess. Early on though I threw everything away. My upbringing,  schooling, parents, the World. You name it. A step needed so I can actually stand on my own two feet. No excuses. It's just me now.

Yeah, I guess that throws a lot of garbage away. I reckon that step does not get done often for whatever reason. I don't particularly think it's scary. I figured why should I count on any of that crap?  Turns out it mostly is crap. So basically you all are made up of various piles of crap.  :)

Stinkies.  :)

Laterzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeee.         :)))

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