Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A Sleep In Day Cuz Of Weather.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am doing pretty good. Yesterday was a pretty good day. We worked late, which was fine. Lisa and I went out to dinner. I want to make something, but I have to go to the grocery store to pick stuff up, and I rode my bike yesterday. Today i will not be riding my bike. I also slept in, cuz Hope and I won't be running. A lot of rain the next two days so.

I guess I got out of yesterday what I wanted. I worked,  ran before work,  had a good meal, and I slept good. There isn't much I need in life. Yesterday was just as good of day as any.

On Friday the weather is supposed to turn so I am going to give frisbee golf a try. It's been forever since I played,  and I think it would be a good healthy hobby. You get outside, walk, and have fun. I am pretty excited about it. I think it will be a perfect way to spend some down time.

Other than that not much. Today is a workout day so I have that to do after work. There will be a dinner,  and yeah, my life is pretty predictable.

I saw something yesterday. It said the worst thing of writing is people might read it. I write shit down,  and I  couldn't care less if people read what I put here. I cannot be really critiqued in any way. Mostly because I am right. There is strength in that I guess. I do my thing and no one is going to change that.

I do know stuff,  but none of it really helps you I don't think. I have a thing to do at some point. Timing is not up to me. What I do here, I am not sure what it does. I know blogging is so 2005, but it's what I do. I use to read blogs,  but really few do it anymore, at least that I see. I don't listen to podcasts. Haven't ever listened to one even.

I once wrote if you open up your soul and people remain quiet than they just probably hate you.   :)   I do what I do here. It's simple mostly like my life.  These days a title can be a struggle. Many days I feel like I just write stupid stuff. It don't matter like I say.

I am confident, secure,  and strong. I am these things because I am right. I am accepted. I am not an enemy, and I don't feel like one. I am not ashamed of my imperfection. It's not how I ultimately want to remain, but my path ends in perfection. It won't be fun, but understanding is what I wanted all along. I wanted it for security, but I already have security. I did not know obviously how this story played out. It is a tremendous amount of fear one lives with if the thing they crave most is security. Fear I had, and I knew it was good,  but living with fear is hard. Pretty sure I had to be mostly spirit to endure it. On that note many people will be shocked.

A story will be played out. What I learned last week is all the stories seem impossible. They also use time, because that is how those stories go. They take forever,  and the person in the story perhaps seems to play the fool, until they no longer seem to be the fool.

The wait sure is the wait. I thought this thing would be done a while ago. Remember the dead years were like 20 years too,  so we are talking decades. I knew the story was 3 times, but I didn't even know I only did it once, until I did it twice. There was much fear too between those. Now not so much fear... yet. 

I just don't know what the days are like from now til my final thing. My days are pretty easy. 

Anyway.   I spose.

Laterzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeee.      :)))

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