Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Magic Scheme.

People can hide in plain sight. Okay, so I don't pay attention to the news too much. In fact if you are a news poster I probably blocked you from my view.  I just read, well skimmed an article in the NYT about the presidents taxes. They pieced together a mind numbing amount of losses from the 80s and 90s. For some reason he hides his taxes from view. 

I just figure everyone of his supporters believe he is a great businessman or whatever. I think perhaps he may be more Bernie Madoff than anything else.

How many spinsters are out there?  Every single one of your self help books are fraudulent. Anyone who says they have keys to help making you successful is blowing wind up your ass.

A key to being successful is one, not being mad. Those of you who pay attention to the news are magnificent failures to date. Our current President being one.

A lot of magic being thrown around as truth out there. Making love, my soul mate. The perfect one for me. Whatever. I get we want something magical to summarize our lives. I find the World is all about hiding. We hide all our flaws, and try to paint rosy pictures about our lives.

The key to happiness is how you feel on the inside. I know we all feel if we had a million dollars cash we'd be happy,  but money doesn't change our insides.

If you had enough money you didn't have to work, what the fuck would you do?  I have one day off/week, and I run out of things to do. Yesterday I worked a long day. My groin was sore,  and I plodded on for close to 30,000 steps. I was sore from throwing the frisbee. You know how you are so sore you just want to sleep?  I came home, and chilled for an hour, and went and bought pork chops. It was a fulfilling day, because I gave it my all I think.

I wasn't unlocking secret keys to the universe to help make me rich. I went out. I had a day, I had a meal, and I slept.

Can you imagine living a life where there are no what ifs?  Your story will be told. It's the story you were here to make. Your tax returns will not change that one bit. Your story is preordained to be told. If you have sexual fantasies that won't change it, if you have whatever. Nothing will change the story that will be told.

The secret to life is to not have stress. Most stress is probably related to future events. Bills becoming due,  deadlines, money coming in, holidays,  birthday parties,  whatever.

My future is certain. Not financially,  cuz there is no such thing. A change in tariffs is an unknown. A dow Jones value which is ridiculously high compared to earnings would be a dangerous thing.

My story will be told. I am in a good spot. You cannot  change one thing about how my future plays out.

Remember my dream where I won the race?  I was like the one sperm who beat everyone to get in the egg. I went into like a winners baby crib lifted up above others. I was alone,  but wasn't supposed to be. I had gone where no one else can go. Untouchable. I entered the garden of Eden.  Eden is surrounded by 4 great swords.  The sword you cannot beat. It is stronger than you. Also it doesn't lead the way. He who lives by the sword...

I am untouchable. The secret of my success is being assured. It is in knowing stuff. It is in having no fear of the future. It is also being content in living my simple life.

I am not who I would have been if I went the path of me. You are on the path of you. One coin in the end does not differentiate itself from another. The 6' under makes us all worth about the same. Not much.

I am content though. Secure. Assured of my ways, and my future. You know what?   I don't feel sadness ever I don't think either.

Your self help books lie. There are no secrets to the universe. There is just a turn. Away from the story you want to make,  to the story you are actually here to make.

Maybe it's scary. I definitely played the fool along the way, but you've never felt security like me. Never been so assured. I was tested. But was obedient. Fear helped. The one time I didn't have fear was outside the garbage room at Bromenn Healthcare. I just found out I was as far away as the scribes and Pharisees. A hypocrite although I suffered to get where I was. I could have been mad,  and maybe I was. I was told to go solo. I didn't rebel,  because my heart decided to just not be dumb. My heart was strengthened to not rebel.

So into the wilderness I went. Trump went on his way to lose millions and billions of dollars.  I found exactly what I wanted all along. A purpose. Security.

The answer was basically not my will. It seems like a little thing,  but if you are looking at a destiny of suffering putting your trust in someone but your wishes is terrifying. 

I'll go there once again. With help I will overcome, and be who I wanted all along I guess. The best a person can be. One with understanding who actually can put the sword to use. I'd be like Thor in a way. A useless sword until one can actually yield it.

Really though I am just happy as I am. My story will play out. That's fine, but it is easy being me now.

It seems silly churches collect money right?  It's an easy way to tell an establishment that uses false teachers. Tithing is about coins,  but the spiritual coin is not a Earthly currency. When I made 10 coins I unknowingly gave up one of my 10. 10%  that was my tithe.  It wasn't made in Early coins.

It's like on the 7th day he rested right. Well we haven't yet reached the 7th day. The law is spiritual,  and you need to be mostly spirit to see it. Even so, without understanding the sword does not help.

Anyway what was I writing about?  

Lol.    :)

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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