Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Go Out And Have A Day.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am doing good. Yesterday was okay. I worked, cut the grass, and got my tomato plants in the garden, and the steps were over 30,000. A day was had. That is pretty much how I'd draw up my perfect day. We went out to dinner. I had a patty melt, and cottage cheese.  I just checked my sleep, and I got 6-1/2 hours of sleep.

Today is a workout day so I have to do that,  and then I am not sure.  I still have some outside stuff to do.

That's pretty much about it. Not a lot going on with me. Just doing the day by day thing. Not doing anything special. Nothing really special to do. It's just life in this World. 

You know how sometimes you come by a fork in the road. A big decision. Which way do I go?  As I am now any which way I go is the correct one. It don't matter. My path is lit,  and any way is good. It's a pretty good feeling.

You know me though. No forks in my road.  I do my simple day to day. Usually hoping to be around 30,000 steps. Stay busy, chill a bit, and eat a meal and sleep.

I think I'll be able to run Hope instead of walking her soon. I was feeling better,  but I played frisbee golf on Monday, so my groin was sore again,  but only for a day. My muscles are getting used to it.

So yeah a lot of simple thoughts fill my day. Not a lot for me to worry about. 50 is different than 40. 40 you wonder if you made a mark in the World. 50 you don't give a shit anymore. Of course a lot has happened in between. 3 different blogs for one.   :)  

It's pretty easy being me. Not much for me to worry about. The future I don't stress about at all. I guess all is good.


Laterzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeee.     :)))

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