Friday, May 3, 2019

A Brand New Start.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was pretty good. Work was non stop. I had to stop by the grocery store for TP, and those Bob Evans mashed potatoes which are ridiculously good. Better than I can make even. Pretty sure they put crack in them. Then I had nothing really, and that's what I did. Lisa was doing some crafty shit listening to music, and I had a couple drinks relaxing listening to tunes. It was pretty relaxing.

I can be so ridiculous I crack myself up. Outside of that not much. Today we are playing frisbee golf, which I am excited about. Another busy day. Work, workout,  frisbee golf. I'll have to take Hope after this too.

Sometimes on a day like yesterday I sleep,  wake up recharged, and feel like I have a brand new start. Yesterday is over, and today is a new day to be me. I said some foolish things yesterday,  but I did say live with no regrets. That is how I feel. I have no regrets. Everyday is a brand new day for me to just be me.

I think a problem with people is you'll find they aren't content. Who do you blame for that?  Dirty dishes? Wet towels on the floor?  I bet people think they would be content if only this or that would happen. It might be money, or better tendencies from someone you live with or whatever. A content heart you cannot create. Discontentnent comes from within you. It's not another person's fault. Save the arguments. Your less than fulfilled self has only to do with something in your internals.

Your internals you do not control. I can't even imagine how most of you think. Too far removed. I know blame probably gets falsely put in wrong areas.

The best life you cannot create, cuz the best you you cannot make. The happiest you, can only come from something out of your power.

Being a part of this World won't help you, and you are powerless to not be. The World does not lead to contentment. Your insides cannot take you there either. We'd need a whole new you.

How do you suppose we do that? 

If only someone would have blogged about such stuff. The fact of the matter is I did blog about such stuff, but everyone went out anyway to create their best life. How did that work out for you? 

Anyway I spose.

Yesterday was fun.  Even if I am ridiculous. :)

Laterzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeee.        :)))

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