I just got up a bit ago, and look. It seems we are starting yet another week. Yesterday after work, I just relaxed. I started another book. I decided to start listening to my bounty hunter books on Sunday, and started reading my Medical Examiner forensic crime solver series. I have like 13 bounty hunter books give or take left in my series, and there are 20+ Medical Examiner books in the series. That will keep me busy a while.
I stayed up later than I wanted on Saturday, but did get up when I wanted on Sunday. I was tired though so took an easy day.
Monday is typically a pretty easy day at work, so today should go smooth. I don't really have any plans today after work. Maybe do a little cleaning, and dinner.
Weekends can be crazy for people so Monday can be a switch back to the Clark Kent version of yourself. I pretty much remain Clark Kent all the time. My life is pretty much a vacation every day I'd say. I like my days so to speak. Monday is as good as any other.
Others I don't know. I know it is good for me to work so I do. I'd hate to be a person who had a job last week, only to wake up Monday unemployed. I know a guy like that. Has a problem with booze. That's a tough Monday, and a big fucking problem too.
Life can be tough for people I guess. Probably the thing that makes it the toughest is the damn fairy tales we all grow up with. Life is supposed to be fun. Everyone is full of some type of B.S. Life disappoints a lot cuz our expectations aren't from reality. We grow up with a flawed idea of how our life is "supposed" to be.
In truth we are in this World, and you really have no idea how your life should be. Everyone is kinda just shoved into society, and the multitudes follow that to their end. A reality which is made up of B.S. History books, and flawed systems, and flawed people.
You can never really get out of it, unless you question it. What if life in society doesn't really matter? What if the points you think you are collecting within the framework of society are not actually points?
Life is something most don't get to the bottom of. Been that way since forever.
Anyway, today I'll have a day. It shouldn't be too hard.
I'll cya later. :)
Bye. :)
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