There was a time not too long ago where I was not drinking coffee hardly. These days I mostly am having a cup before work. Not every day, but most days. It helps I have a flavored creamer. I may go for two today.
I tried visiting here yesterday, and it was dumb, and I deleted. It was surprising to me too, cuz I woke up feeling like a million bucks. No biggie really. If able I do try and visit this thing here.
Anyway, I took Hope, and somewhere along the way I realized we have not had tacos yet this week. Day seized, day made. :)
I load my tacos with so much stuff it is ridiculous.
So the World is going on. It moves without us even commanding it. Don't you think in life most/all have the universe kind of out of whack? It seems to me we are kind of born that way, or grow up to be that way. At the center of the universe is us, and the sun, stars, and moon operate outside our sphere of dominance.
I had a thought the other day. If you go to a grocery store, just a local one in your hometown you'll find a lot of pickles. Full size, cut up ones, pickle relish. There will be cucumbers for sale. A lot of jars, and a lot of fresh cucumbers. You expand that to every grocery store in just the U.S. who the Hell picks all these cucumbers? How did we get so many?
I've never seen a cucumber farm. Then you have olives and grapes, and all the bottles of wine. I think if you look closely at the produce industry it may not be all it's cracked up to be.
To each their own really, but some people don't eat meat, because of the way animals are treated. Who is picking your pickles?
In the end life is just a tad bit uglier than you think. I have a ton of dog hair under my couch that needs to be vacuumed. I should probably vacuum every day. I don't.
Life is full of too much stuff. I don't think I could ever keep my house perfect, unless I hired a cucumber picker, and changed his or her occupation.
I think at this stage we should be able to see the World is just a little uglier than we'd like. The perfect avenue seems to be missing, and altogether impossible.
We all our full of weird shit in our minds. What if in actuality this World, and our life are just a tad bit ugly? I'd say we all grew up with a false vision. We thought this thing life on average was okay, and we also thought the scales were balanced pretty favorably in our direction. The truth was always far away since day 1. Parents are to blame, and so are our parent's parents. That makes some of you guilty. You have become a false teacher just by having a kid.
Your blessing is now found to be a curse, cuz you stand guilty. Not to worry though. We are all guilty of some shit, meaning we are not perfect.
Society has been handed down through generations. Progress seems to be coming slowly, but no one figured out how to change our treacherous human heart. Don't know how to make that better.
Anyway, today is Friday, and I plan on having a day.
At some point during this thing your eyes will become wide open. I don't think this thing will always be easy for you, but it leads in a good way. I have help.
I'd type all that stuff, cuz I feel good today, but just a tad too lazy.
Later. :)
xoxo. :)
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