Hello, and good morning. How's it going? Me, I am fine. I am already on coffee #2. That is rare territory these days. One cup is relatively pretty normal. Zero a not too distant 2nd. Two almost unheard of. It is unseasonably cold this morning, so it seems like a good idea.
Had one of those crazy days at work yesterday. You start out getting things done. Knocking off items on your list. You start thinking maybe you can get extra done, and KAZAAM. You realize you'll never get out on time. That is not infrequent, and I don't know where the time disappears to.
Other than that not too much yesterday. I was pretty lazy when I got home. Didn't do much the rest of the day. Paid bills, and that's about it.
Today will be more of the same. Nothing too crazy. I plan on sleeping in tomorrow. Of course I am up early today. I still could sleep a couple hours if I wanted.
So that is a bunch of nothing. A look into my day to day. My days are pretty easy I guess. Not a ton of stuff to stress about. I don't go out of my way to make my life harder that's for sure.
There isn't a lot of stuff that makes me mad. Maybe it seems like I want to live a sheltered life. Out of view of Worldly events. I guess that's true to an extent. I just feel there is a lot of shit you can fill your head with. There are 2 sides to every argument, and both sides are full of shit.
Your life really is about you. You aren't changing the World, and you aren't making this place any better. If you seek out information that just makes you mad, that is dumb. If you try to share the stupid info to make others mad, well that is a special kind of dumb.
Anger is a cancer, and I bet a lot of people live with it. The better part of life is forgiveness I guess. Let bygones be bygones. Of course as I stand I am not angry. More disinterested I guess. No one had a say in who I am. No one was a part of my story, so what does that make people? Not much?
My story in the end was not about family, friends, acquaintances or anything.
My story was about me finding my way. A solo journey accomplished with much help, but not by anyone walking this Earth. At the end of the day I owe no one anything.
Life is about becoming entangled. Being caught in the web it is impossible to not get tangled in. It takes a lot to overcome the natural tendency of life.
It is a good way though, cuz like I said, you owe no one anything.
I freely give stuff, but people don't owe me anything either.
Strange huh?
Okee dokee. I am out.
Have fun. :)
xxoo. :)))
Bye. :)
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