Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Keeping Track Of Stuff.

I was looking at my sleep. My silly watch keeps track of it. I didn't sleep great on Sunday,  and Monday. I went to bed at 7:00PM last night. I felt I got a good night sleep. It was under 6 hours, but I feel pretty well rested. I don't know if this is the typical/optimal sleep ratios,  but I was 3.5 hours light sleep, 1 hour + deep sleep, and 1 hour plus REM. The way I feel today I feel that ratio is pretty optimal for me. Most of my sleep seems to be like that.

I can sleep through a tornado, so I think my light sleep is still pretty deep'ish perhaps.

I was so looking forward to getting my gas bill. I think they said our November was one of the coldest in recent history. Maybe in all of History. I finally got it. It was only $40-something  dollars. The highest I paid last winter was one month a bit over $80. We added a shit ton of insulation last Spring if you remember,  so I am curious how this Winter will go. All windows we didn't replace yet either we got replaced.

I got an update on my November running. I didn't run much in November. I felt my increased mileage days the past week were kinda a workout considering increased mileage was not any great mileage at all. I was falling a bit as to having running legs.  Yesterday's run I felt I was getting back on track. It wasn't so much of a workout as the previous run.  A good sleep, and curiosity has me pretty interested in how my run this morning will go. So, I guess I do keep track of stuff,  and some of this stuff is info just recently made available, like how our sleep is.

Sleep is very important to our overall well being. If people struggle with sleep that has to be tough.

Other than that life goes on.  I wake up,  and do this a lot. I haven't looked at my totals this year, but it is closer to 200 than 100 is my guess. Nowhere near 300, which used to be my norm years ago.

I don't know the significance of things I do here, and how they play out, but I gather in this busy World I am kinda the guy in the wilderness singing a different tune.  The World was busy with challenges and stresses way back too. The guy in the wilderness would only appeal to those looking for a better life than the World seemingly has to offer. An easier, less stressful life.

One lesson of my story is the day my energy returned. I was held in a pretty low place for about a year or so after the Hospital. For those who don't know, after overcoming the first time I was placed in Psychiatric Intensive Care for 6 days. Crazy as a person can be as far as this World was concerned.

I knew I was fine, cuz I knew my story, but the worst of the worst had his way with me. My path has taken me the farthest distance I could go I spose. Remember I asked why did you let me get so far away?  The answer was to save more lives, but I am a vessel. I do none of that stuff. Out of my power.

As low as I could feel, it still was possible to have my energy restored. Also remember when I gave up that one day. I was taken once again to the wilderness, and pre hospital horrible days. That night my heart was taken,  and now the wilderness has no effect on me. The only problem is the World holds no interest to me, so Worldly accomplishments mean nothing to me. You toil in vain, and that is the story of the Wilderness. The futility of it all. In the wilderness I do sing a different song this World does not know and understand.

Anyhoo, I guess that's good.

Til next time. 

Have fun.    :)

Laterzzz.     :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.    :)

Bye.    :)))

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