WOW, how great is it to wake up most days with a lot of energy? I am healthy, and have a pretty good job, one I like doing. I exercise a bit, train for running races. You know some people struggle with stuff, and things can be hard, but they keep going. You know you see a rainbow, and your like man it would be nice to hit that pot at the end of it huh? I feel most days like I have. Like I said, having a lot of energy, and waking up feeling like this every day mostly feels great.
Let me tell you something about me. Let me get some coffee first though o.k. :) I know my drink days pretty early. By drink days I mean alcohol drinking days. When I have a good running workout the night before, and I don't sleep well that night I am tired. I know then I will be worthless, so it is a good day to have some drinks, and cook a meal, and have fun. Tuesday nights will never be a drink night, because I run on Tuesday, and I don't want to drink after. Usually cause I go to bed an hour later. Does that mean anything? Nah, not really, but it is how it works for me.
Let me tell you about what is really great. People are standing on their own two feet. You know we always seemed to use "the group" as a crutch. We all are different though, and people are showing that. It ins't just bloggers, but they for sure are too. Doreen is different than Tia, and they both are different than Lois, and Kim Sheridan, etc... They all are great though. That is kinda the flower thing I was talking about huh? We are not you, and you are not us. I am not you, and you are not me. I can relate to a lot of things you do, but I haven't walked in your shoes, and you haven't walked in mine. I guess all our journeys really are solo. Yeah some may be married, have significant others, but no one knows what we think of all the time.
I guess that takes courage. Step out and say hey world. This is MEEEE!!! :) Takes courage, like that Goo Goo Dolls song "Iris" "
And I don't want the world to see me, cuz I don't think that they'd understand" Really that is the one thing we all long for, to have people know us, but it really is probably the one thing that terrifies us the most. That is what we are doing though. Slowly but surely, and the braver ones are going first. They are courageous, and they are awesome. This does go slowly though, because it is hard, and like any race is not won at the beginning, but it can be lost. It is won at the end.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! .p.p
p.s. penny for your thoughts. :) j/k xoxoxo
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Doreen, Jules, and Brandy. been a while xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Olga and Nancy O'Toole xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Theresa Nelson, cuz I think she inspires people more with her struggles, than if she was full strength. Gotta love her courage, and determination. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
I'll give extras to Maggs, because she cool, and she has a lot going on, and stuff. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
I guess that is it for now. I'll give extras for all the xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo people too. Oh, and I am adding Lois to xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo, not sure if I did that before, but if I didn't I am now. :)
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D