Sunday, September 1, 2019

The Start Of 2 Days Off.

I got over 8 hours of sleep last night. I saw a movie after work. "Ready Or Not" It was actually pretty good. The blonde girl really did a good job. Andie McDowell was in it. I had a crush on her back in the day. Anyway like I said it was surprisingly good. I am on the 5th Harry Potter book. Order of the Phoenix. Only like 23 hours left in that one.

I really didn't do much after work. I had a couple drinks, and watched football. I fell asleep during the Michigan game. I think my watch said I fell asleep around 7:50, so I didn't even make the first quarter.   :)

Fine with me. I'd rather be up early,  and refreshed. It's how I am. I am going to take Hope for a run, and do my normal Sunday thing. Football starts for real next week. I'll miss the Bears Thursday night game. I don't know how much football I'll watch this year. I'll still see movies Saturday after work, and we'll see about Sunday.

It sure is easy being me. I was kinda thinking of things I should be stressed about, and there is nothing. I have no big expenses to worry about. I have plenty of money. I don't spend a ton of money however. I never go to a bar anymore. I used to like to go once per week, but it isn't really my thing anymore. I am fine having a couple drinks at home.

I have no wishes for the future. My life now is fine. It doesn't need to be better. I saw there was another shooting in Texas.   What in the world is going on?  What's everybody so mad at? 

Anger overpowers people to an extent they just kill?  I know they can't think what they are doing is right. Can they? 

People are losing control of themselves. It seems like a power overtakes them. Anger is a beast. I see it control people in ways. Anger makes people unpleasant.  If you cannot find the source of your anger than that is bad for you. Next thing you'll be watching the news, and blame everything on what someone tells you. You won't learn about the inside of you by watching the news that's for sure.

I don't even recall when I was angry. I guess I was angry at stuff. I am not now. I was trapped in this World for a while. Had the same stresses. Money,  bills,  etc...   I think all that ended with heimleblog. When things started up again. Then I didn't care about bills. There was no future so who cares?  I thought I was much closer to doing the final thing I must do.  Little did I know.

I lost my lumberyard job, and worked 3rd shift grocery stocking for minimum wage started the cleaning thing. We turned things around. We were doing pretty good. More money coming in than going out. My uncle died, and he left us a lot of money. A lot for me anyway. Now I have utilities,  and credit cards that get paid off each month. One is for Amazon Prime. One is my Discover.

Anyway my life is even easier. I still work two jobs cuz why not?  Just putting money away. I have no wishes though. This life is fine. I don't want toys.

Probably a good chance I won't kill multiple people with a gun. I've never even shot a gun. Don't think I ever touched one.

To be the shooter is not a good thing. Pretty bad. To be shot is not a good thing either.  Lose lose all the way around. Guns obviously should be made harder to get. You need a birth certificate to get an enhanced driver's license.

What goes through the shooter's mind?  What brought him to that point?  Why is this happening at such an alarming rate? 

Welp, I spose.  I have my day to day.

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeee.       :)))

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