Monday, September 9, 2019

What To Do On A Sunday.

So, on the first Sunday of the NFL I watched almost all of Season 1 of "Criminal Minds" on Netflix. I couldn't fall asleep very early either, so I was up til midnight, and didn't sleep great after. It's actually a really good show. Right up my alley. I kinda felt I wanted a lazy day so I had one. 

Not much really on my mind. I'll have a day today. It shouldn't be horrible. I hope I am not too tired to work out. I'll have to figure something out for dinner.

A day in the life. I spose in life most of us do what we want. Maybe a lot want to do something productive, but their hearts lead them in unproductive ways. I know I can be unproductive when I want the opposite. I don't carry any guilt however.

Today seems to be a different day. Maybe life has just made a little turn. I want to come home and watch Criminal Minds. I looked at the NFL scores yesterday, and I didn't care. I didn't watch one play. I don't really care too much at all about football.  As of today anyway. Its really not that important. It's a game where a lot of money is spent to spectate. I don't have to pay to watch it. I don't even have to watch it.

Professional sports can give athletes a higher opinion of themselves than is good. Too much importance is placed on the meaning of the games when all is said and done. I guess its that way in everything. News people think they are important, people in politics etc...  

As a matter of fact that may be the human downfall. We feel we are too important. I know I am not. I ain't out changing anyone's life. I know we tried going in a direction, but i was the only one willing to go. Having already done it. I find the problem being if you went in the direction I was pulling you would have interesting stuff to talk about. You weren't so you don't. You are the same as before. Just older, and still not happy.

Life doesn't lead one in happy and content ways. To feel content you have to be able to accept the bitter truth. Actually you need help in a lot of different things. I went that direction. I was helped when I overcame twice. My heart was given strength and courage. No longer do I feel anything is in my hands. There is a story that will play out, and I am not the story teller. It isn't my story,  and I have no power to help it come about.

I know the hidden part of life can be terrifying, but we are kinda hidden from it now. It isn't always far from me, cuz of how I am. I've already gone through the eye of the needle, which makes me different than you.

I know of things out there when all you know is the World. A place you may try and make a mark, but there are no marks to make. Sportsing isn't even important in those things, but you cannot see it. Too much is hidden from you. Your heart places importance in things which aren't. Like almost everything. A coin is just a coin no matter what.

You were supposed to do something with your coin, but you were unwilling.  You had too much stuff to accomplish, and in the end it didn't even matter. You couldn't take the blind step, cuz you had your greatness to pursue. 

I am the one with the mop, and the content heart. You?  I don't even know you, and my guess is you don't either.  That would have been one of the things you learn about. Among others. 

Anyway I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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