Thursday, September 12, 2019

I Got Everything Done I Wanted.

Don't say anything about my title. It took me 10 minutes to think of one. I was thinking about something else while writing it, so i figured I would just keep it.

I did get everything done I wanted yesterday. My full workout, which felt good. I think it was my 2nd workout in 2 weeks. It was harder than normal. You lose a bit just in that time. I bet Friday is easier.

I filled up our yard bin with weeds and shit we pulled. Probably in October we can start taking stuff to the road,  cuz the city will pick it up. Good to get a lot in the bin though. I also ran the robot. It wasn't a lot,  but it's what I wanted done. We also had hot dogs for dinner. There is a place downtown. I rarely ever eat downtown for whatever reason, and we had hot dogs there 3 times in a short period.

So that was my day. Nothing too exciting about it. It was warm out which was nice. Hope, and I sat outside and chilled for a bit. I remember toward the end of work I realized afterwards I can do whatever I want. I just had a feeling there was nothing too pressing for me to worry about. In that way I guess my day was easy.

Outside of that not much. I did have a couple drinks, which I won't be able to do in October. Doesn't seem like it will be a big deal, except it's been a while for me to do that.

Tryna think of anything else. I guess I do look at some people, and realize there are a lot of unhealthy people. I drink too regularly probably,  but I am not overweight. Inactive lifestyles I am guessing are pretty brutal. For one people will gain weight. No way around it. I bet people eat more too, because when you are active you tend to drink more water. Maybe I drink a ton of water,  because I drink regularly,  so I am regularly dehydrated.

I go to bed after dinner. If you eat say at 5:00 or so, and stay up til midnight, you'll eat again. Hold on. 28,000 steps yesterday. Just under 13 miles. Just by living. I am lucky to work the jobs I do. Even if I don't run, I will still be around 20,000 steps or more. Yesterday I ran short, so it ups my totals. Cubicle/sit down jobs gotta be brutal.

Part of the reason I started working out was to use my upper body muscles, and core. You don't use your muscles you lose them. I am stronger. I can usually notice it in little ways throughout the day. I don't feel any different about myself though. I may have more muscles, but I feel as always I don't have a perfect body.  I do use a good amount of my muscles regularly, and I think that's good.

I guess in life it's better to be busy/active. It would be nice to have little stress. In that way I am way lucky. All in all life is hard. It's hard not to be angry about stuff. It's hard not to be judgey. People would be wise to stay active. It makes everything in the long run easier.

It would be better for me if i wasn't such a consistent drinker. I am hoping October will help switch that. Actually today I won't drink. For the heck if it.

Anyway I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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