Monday, September 2, 2019

I Am Already Dreading Another Day Off.

What the heck am I going to do today? I did a lot yesterday, which was pretty awesome. All laundry, all dishes, I vacuumed AND ran the robot TWICE. Now what?  I could do some shit outside I guess. Yeah I guess that is what I should do. Clean the garage, cut the grass, pick weeds. That would be best.

I was thinking of going without coffee today, but I think I'll make one. Hold on. 

Okay I am back. Sorry to keep you waiting.   ;)  I don't really have much on my mind. I'll probably take Hope after this, and go to the grocery store. Not sure what to do for dinner. Its Labor Day, so I guess we should cook out. I kinda want to read my book too. I guess I got stuff to do, but I was really dreading today a while ago.

I know normal people really like days off, but I struggle with too many. You gotta fill the hours of the day somehow. I don't have enough interests.

There is a purpose to labor, and not really any to leisure. My heart struggles with leisure. What do you do? 

I don't find the World all that remarkable,  so a hike in the woods = big deal. Obviously I never had kids, so I surely wouldn't want to hang out with any. Labor is best, but on a day off I don't always feel like it.

I do feel better now. I think I woke up tired, so the dread. I have a lot I can do today, so I guess I will.

There is a big ass hurricane bearing down on the East coast. No thanks to living on the East coast. I live probably in the safest area as far as natural disasters go. We dont get any tornadoes,  no volcanos, no hurricanes obviously. It is a remarkable area just for how alive it is during Spring to Fall, and how dead it is in the Winter.

I like winter. I like making winter meals, and layering up. I like our cozy breezeway with our vent free heater. There are dog days of summer,  like when you are sick of warm weather all the time. We aren't even close to being stupid Houston, or New Orleans hot. We are like October in San Antonio hot, which is actually pretty nice.

Fall days are awesome. My yearly battle with the leaves is kinda fun. I love the change in seasons.  I get to change my lifestyle kinda. You eat different stuff. You can still run and bike. You know what?  We dont even have bad traffic.  There are no traffic jams in Holland, MI.

All in all I live in a pretty good place. Our property values are doubled plus since the bust too. It ain't cheap to live here if you are looking to buy a house. We've been in my house for 20 years, so I pay only $2000 property taxes. If I sold the house it would double.

All in all I am doing pretty good huh?  Today I just have to get more stuff done outside. Nothing wrong with that.

Oh one other thing. I've worn a goatee for a long time. I just had part of my moustache lose hair. Like maybe it can't grow hair there anymore. So I am clean shaven. Also my lips seemed to have cracked on the side of my mouth. So it makes me look like I have a permanent frown.

I am fucking ugly.   :)  

I'll take a pic sometime. Brad Pitt, or Bon Jovi I ain't.  Dammit.   :)

Laterzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeee.        :)))

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