Monday, September 16, 2019

It's Monday.

That's all I have to say about that. I am up early so that's good. I slept for 5 hours and 43 minutes. Not great, not horrible. Yesterday was okay as far as getting my Sunday shit done. All my laundry is folded and put away. I bought tide pods which were on sale. I've always wanted to try them. I use a similar thing in my dishwasher so.

I was done early as expected. I watched football too. The games were pretty exciting. Personally I think there are football teams, and then there is another team with Patrick Maholmes as QB.

I was thinking about October coming up, since I am not drinking I should also add another goal or activity. I am not sure what though. Obviously nothing to do with running. I'll keep my short runs with Hope. I'll think about it.

This morning there is very little on my mind. I got ready to do this thing, and I knew it was going to be a struggle. Yesterday was pretty okay actually. I really got a lot done before noon. I didn't read my book, but did listen to a lot of my Harry Potter book. Only 1-1/2 hours left.

I have to workout today, and not sure what to do after. I am thinking read, or watch my show, but what I feel this morning does not always mean I'll feel the same when I get home. I don't really have anything pressing to do. I feel pretty relaxed about stuff. I'll get a good little run in soon, which is always a good start to the day. I used to think with running more is better, but now I think running short is fine. You don't need a million miles/week to get good benefits from it. I don't time my workout sessions, but I bet all parts take less than an hour. So maybe I exercise like 6 hours/week. I don't really consider bike commuting exercise, but I guess you can count that. I've been doing it so long, I just consider it standard transportation. That too does start off the day in a good way.

I guess what it means is you can do healthy shit, and it won't take you all day long to do it. I am lucky I'll typically have 10 miles in without exercise. Just by living. I guess in my life everything is simple. I don't have to reinvent the wheel or anything. More accept my limitations I guess. Also don't add too much stuff you'll burn out. Keep things at a sustainable level. I ain't going to the Olympics,  which seems horrible when you think of it.

I guess in the end my life is pretty simple. I don't have much to worry about. I am healthy, going to get healthier. I stay active, cuz my life is that way. Every morning I got shit to do, which is great for me. My day is filled no matter what pretty much. I like it that way too.

The only thing left is what to do in October. I'll think on that. Hopefully something comes to mind.

I really got nothing like I said. Maybe this year is pretty much about nothing. I don't feel we are in the wilderness anymore, but more in an in between place. Not the wilderness,  but not where we are going. Of course maybe we still are in the wilderness, but it doesn't affect me at all. One thing I know is this blog is pretty much my day to day/nothing.

I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.    :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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