Tuesday, September 10, 2019

What To Think About In A Day.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I slept the last two nights without a little alcohol induced exhaustion. I'll have to get used to that I guess. Especially with Sober October coming up. I felt I slept restless. Two nights in a row. I did watch more criminal minds. I love that show. I think I am on my 22nd episode of probably 300 or something. Those shows that go for a while really take up a lot of time.

I don't think I thought of anything too much yesterday. I was lazy, and didn't work out. I didn't take Hope either. I still was just under 23,000 steps,  so still active.

There wasn't much for me to be concerned about yesterday. I worked,  and watched my show, I ate, and I went to bed. It's a simple life. Nothing I really need to escape from. I got some shit to do at home today. Nothing too crazy, just some stuff. Get it done,  and I can watch more criminal minds.   :)

What else??  Hmmmm, not much. I ain't doing anything important. Just doing the day to day thing. Life isn't really boring. I  typically have stuff to do. Nothing too pressing on my mind. I have to work out tomorrow, and that's about it.

As far as goals, I guess I got sober October  coming up. When is the last time I went a month without drinking?  Been a couple decades I bet. Alcohol has definitely been a part of my life. If there are people who have gone through withdrawals from lack of alcohol I've never experienced it. I am not a good heavy drinker. I don't think I've ever been. I am a good heavy sleeper once I get a buzz. Throw me some dinner,  and I am out. If there are people who can't stop, and they drink til 3:00 AM, I've never experienced that. I cannot step in those shoes if that's a thing.

I kinda want sober October to turn life into something different. Maybe a different outlook. Like I have something else to do before dinner besides have a couple drinks. Typically 3 stiff drinks is probably my norm. A half pint plus a drink, or less than a pint. Then I  am out and asleep. If I drink a pint I feel it the next day. Not really hungover, but not 100%  I never get a headache or anything. Just not 100% energized typically.

That's my vice. It never controlled me. I never missed work cuz I was too hungover. I'd really kinda like to get rid of it maybe. What to do in its place?  What takes place of those couple hours of relaxing? 

I don't play video games. Thank God for criminal minds. A show I think is a good thing to watch. Read more, do more shit around the house?  Can't really run a ton without injury. Don't really need to work out more.

You know one thing I don't know about probably everyone?  What they do in  their downtime. What frustrates people about their day to day? What stresses stay on their mind? How busy is one's life compared to how busy you'd like it? 

My life is fine. I just maybe wanna get rid of a vice, and it will maybe have to turn into another. Maybe find another hobby. But what?  I guess first we will see if I can get rid of the vice, or turn it into one night/week.

Just thinking out loud. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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