Thursday, April 18, 2019

Things Seem Different With Me.

I am not thinking different in a huge way, but more like I have absolutely nothing of important to say. I can sit here for a ridiculous amount of time just thinking of a title.

Maybe I never had much to say. I've blogged a ridiculous amount of times.  :)

Anyway in the news you may have seen a building burn down. A lot was made of it cuz it was old. I just figured it's a building, big deal. No matter how you spin it, it's just a building. Historical significance means nothing,  cuz Napolean may have had some historical significance, but he's dead. Who cares about him? 

I thought of myself sitting here at the age of 52, and my years keep piling up. I'll be dead at some point too. At 6' under I won't really give too much thought to my historical significance. Maybe even exactly the same amount of thought  the burned  building currently is thinking about it's historical significance. I can't say that for sure though.

The things in this World don't last. We don't last. Most elements I believe even have their theoretical half life. I guess though if you keep cutting your life in half you'll never come to the end.

Anyways.  Yesterday was a day. I slept in. We got out of work a little early so I went and saw Shazam. It was pretty good. I was entertained. Lisa picked up pizza from this awesome thin and greasy pizza place we like.  It is sooooo good. We try to just go a few times a year so it is always surprisingly good. You eat it too much it loses some of that special occasion taste.

I skipped my workout so I'll have to go today.  Other than that not much. Today will be a day. It probably will go as most days go. I am thinking of making brats on the grill. It's been a while. It sounds good.

I guess that's about it. I ain't got much more. 

Laterzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeee.     :)))

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