Friday, April 5, 2019

The Weird Time.

So, now is the time of year that is a tweener. If it's nice you can be outside, but if it is 40 and windy not so much.

My steps were down yesterday. Probably around 25,000. Also my knee is acting up. It doesn't really hurt to walk,  and I can bike no problem,  but she does not appreciate bending too much. I decided to sleep in today. I could walk Hope, but I didn't. The 2:30-4:00 AM sleep is pretty sweet. It's a long time. I did sleep too.

Other than that not much. I forget my knee acts up. It's been forever since it bugged me. I was surprised by it. What do you do?  It is one of those things with my job too. I need the use of my legs. A person can do their job in a cubicle with a busted leg. Me, probably not. Positives and negatives in all things.

We went out to dinner last night. I had a burger. I kind of wanted one. The place I go to you can get cottage cheese instead of French fries. Fries are okay, but I can usually do without them. I love cottage cheese.

I am kinda getting sick of Lisa's brother. He hasn't worked a full 40 hours in forever. Always comes home sick. Complaining about something or other. If he's not working he's home. ALWAYS. He's probably gained about 100 pounds the last year. All he does is play video games. His only friends are the people on the internet. He's so gross. He wears the same sweats, and same tee shirt. God only knows how often he does laundry. He's fine living here if he works. If he works we don't see him. Gone before I get home,  and I am asleep before he gets back. That works out well. Obviously I am having too face time with him. I lived with Jackie. A lazy person who did nothing. Kevin is his mother's son. It's why I didn't want my brother Jim to live with us. It's a disgusting way to be.

Got that off my chest. People. My Dad can be annoying cuz old people are, but he gets out to do shit more than Kevin. He's got like 45 years on him. 

Other than that just plugging along I guess. It will be nice to get away for a bit. The weather looks pretty good for most of the week. 60 and sunny  it looks like. Probably rain the day we get there. It's Seattle though.

So I guess everything else is fine. A simple life. Not much else on my mind. I've been blogging pretty much about nothing this week.

Today is a day. I am driving cuz of rain, so I'll probably see a movie after work. I work tomorrow,  and then I start vacation. A different city to check out.

Laterzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeee.        :)))

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