Thursday, April 25, 2019

Just Another Day.

Yesterday definitely was just that. Nothing too crazy went on yesterday. I was surprisingly tired when I got home. It was a day over 30,000 steps. Maybe that had something to do with it. Not sure. I did get my workout in, and ran the robot. Took my truck in, and went out to dinner. Like the title says, just another day.

I am sure today will be much the same. This time of year there is always a lot to do, so I could stay busy for hours.  I need to write out a list. Just this morning I thought of something I need to do that fell off my radar. I think I have a lot of stuff like that. A lot of times there sure is a difference between all the things you want to get done when you first wake up, and what is even physically possible after work. Yesterday like I said I was tired, so...  it was a workout day too, so I had to do the home part of the workout.

I found out yesterday my Sunday schedule may change in as little as 2-3 weeks. I am kinda excited for it, and can't really tell why. Maybe cuz of change. I'll be able to sleep in on Sundays, and be at work at 2:00 AM Monday morning.  :)  I find it kinda fun, cuz people will be just finishing their first cup of coffee hating everything Monday,  and I'll be done with my shift.  :)  It is the little things that make me happy.

So, what else?  Some days I am plugged into the middle of my day to day, and I have a feeling of easy contentment. I get to live my life. When I am done with work,  I am free to do as I choose. Not much for me to worry about.

An easy life is a good thing. It's just my easy life has me approaching 30,000 steps a lot of days,  and a quick workout every other day during the week. It also has me do some labor around the house. I find that to be me living my best life.

The days all end, and I still have more I could do. The days all end with me being tired. The days all end with me kicking back to relax. What more do you want? 

I don't feel like I want anything more out of life. You know how some people say they would be happy living on a beach?  For me nothing could be worse. I like my day to day. I like putting in an honest day of labor. I like going to bed tired. Today i am recharged in 6 hours and 21 minutes of sleep.

I know I've said it before but the grass is greener in my own head. I think of the responsibilities just normal people have, and I don't have any.

Life probably is full of failure. Your balance is out of whack. You gotta do this and this and this, and you failed in some other relationship somewhere. You spent too much time on you,  and not enough time in other areas of importance. My balance is fine, cuz I have no responsibilities. My heart does what it wants. Work,  eat, sleep. No one is dependent on me,  and me on no other. I am free to do as I choose,  but my best life is easy for me. Not a lot of yearning for me. I am in the golden years kinda.

My house is paid, I make good money for my lifestyle,  and I enjoy my work. What more could one want?  It definitely helps I got a lot of money when my Uncle died, but we already were making a pretty good amount more money each month than we had to pay in bills.

Anyways,  I spose. 

Laterzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeee.      :)))

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