Good morning. How's it going? Me, I am fine. I got all my shit done yesterday pretty early. I went to my 12:00 movie with everything done for the day I wanted to do. A Monday movie at 12:00 was pretty much sold out in Holland, MI. I think that Avengers movie is going to break records. It was okay. I don't think it was the best of those movies, but it was fine. I'll probably see it again maybe.
It was a pretty easy day I'd say. I came home had a couple of drinks, and had tacos. We watched Ironman 2, and some Frasier episodes. I then slept, and slept pretty good I'd say. I feel good. Ready to start another day. Today there will be work, a meal, and maybe even a movie after work. Sounds pretty good to me. Labor, chill, eat, sleep. On top of that not a thing to worry about.
Life for me is so easy. I know for others it is a struggle, just cuz you are not me. Every day I wake up, and the grass is pretty green in my own head. If there was one thing I could wish for it's nothing. I am good. I don't need anything else. If someone threw a million bucks my way that would be a waste. My life wouldn't change any. I guess a million dollars is a lot of money. I don't know what I'd do with it.
I remember seeing the Avengers made 1.2 Billion the first weekend. Just at the box office. Someone said if they put that much money to fix the World that would be the avengery thing to do. I find that to be a typical flaw with people. They feel if you throw money at shit that cures stuff. Money does not change your insides. People will still have the same internal ups and downs you cannot change about yourself. Throwing money at shit doesn't fix stuff. Money at it's best is an inefficient source, just cuz people are people. Everyone craves that shit, and everyone wants a piece.
Money is flawed. Those who worship money worship a flawed resource. What you really want is something that makes you feel good all the time. That is not created with silver, gold, money, or even heroin. It is one thing you don't have, and currently you have no idea how to create it.
Many will fake their way believing they have it, but I know better. A quick look inside anyone "should" reveal you are as flawed as any currency available. Your heart isn't the best.
I too am flawed, but I am accepted. I don't worship money, cuz I am the way I am for different reasons than some accumulation of currency.
I am the product of my path. The one I decided to take. I could have taken the path of me, but I was broken. I was alone, I dealt with death, and in being broken the World held no pull over me. So I took the other path. I turned away from me, and went an unknown way. I had no idea what I was doing. There were no teachers. At my lowest I would have liked someone who could teach me the ropes. There was no one, but I ended up being in pretty good hands. Part of my path. To strengthen trust. Faith is perfected through trials and tribulations. I have one more trial. I will be found guilty for the 3rd time, and I will enter the worst tribulation. That was my path, and I knew it right prior to overcoming the first time. I just didn't know how to get to that point.
Now I know I'll get there when the time is right. It's not up to me. I am not scared, but I may be as the time approaches. The truth shakes your soul. Currently we all live in comic book land. The truth of stuff is nowhere near us. Even me being mostly spirit things are still kinda in comic book land, but I've seen the Spirit World. It's scary, and powerful. So it is always in the back of my mind. My heart is still upbeat and happy. I too am courageous I guess, cuz my heart is not currently the one I was born with. It's different, cuz I couldn't handle it. I needed help.
Anyhoo, lol. :) sorry so long.
Laterzzzxzz. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Byeeeeee. :)))