Good morning. How's it going? Me, I am fine. I finished another book in the Kay Scarpetti series. They are written by Patricia Cornwell. Kay is a forensic pathologist who works on mysteries. I finished 2 of 20 something in the series. I downloaded #3 in the series.
I don't listen to books much outside of Saturday. I listen to books while working. It's a win win. I am working making money, and being entertained listening to a book. Luckily I am old enough so going to bed early on Friday isn't a big deal. I start work at 5:00AM on Saturday.
We had a little ground water make its way into our basement. Not a lot, just a little. I woke up thinking that is a lot of rain. Pretty annoying. I looked around downstairs, and it was only in two areas. Weird. One was in the middle of the basement next to no walls. The other was by our sewage pump, but it was just water. No one was showering, or using the bathroom in the middle of the night. The walls were dry too. One of those annoying things that just happen I guess. We did get a lot of rain in a short amount of time. I'll have to cut the grass on Monday.
Other than that not much. I really didn't do much outside of work. Checked out the basement, and finished my book. The basement was real minor. My text from Lisa made it sound worse. The whole basement was dry, except for two parts. I slept last night pretty good. I think I was tired. I dreamt, I was putting water, and gas where the oil goes in the car, and accidentally starting it on fire. I was not happy with my stupidity there.
I work two jobs today, and have all of Monday off. I'll be busy for, you know probably the whole Summer. A lot to do. I'll just plug along. I typically find time each day to relax, and chill.
That pretty much is the main thing on my mind these days. Get all the things done I want this Summer. Mostly outside house shit.
Other than that not much at all. Live my day by day as it comes. My days typically start out the same.
You know, I really got nothing. I'll have a day today of work. It should be pretty okay I think. One of the best things of working 3:00PM -11:00PM on Sunday is around 8:00PM. I consider everyone dreading Monday morning, while I'll have it off. I wonder how many people will wake up groggy on Monday, cuz of too much drinking on Sunday. It's my favorite. :) I like imagining people's misery I guess. I don't know.
Anyhoo, I am out.
Have fun. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
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