No really. It was. I paid off my mortgage. Done. I have zero debt outside my Discover I use once in a while for the cash back thingy. I pay it off every month. Got a statement yesterday, and paid off the $60 balance or whatever.
What is my secret to being debt free at the age of 51? I planned on being born at such a time when I knew my Dad would meet... never mind. I had an Uncle with a lot of money, and only my brother and I to give it to.
What does it feel like being debt free, and with a crap ton of money in my accounts? Who knows? I'll still do the same things. I don't want any toys, or Summer houses or anything. Everything will be the same. I woke up hungry today, and already ate 2 packets of ramen noodles. I didn't crack open the caviar, which I don't have.
Today I am up early eating noodles, and doing the blog thing. I was thinking earlier what would I want most out of life. I considered at some point there will be some shitty ending, so being at rest already (aka not alive) is the best one can really hope for.
We are alive though, and the day by days continue. I do my fair share in waking up with plenty of energy. I do my work thing, and I am content.
I have no outstanding plans to create the best life ever, cuz I am just content doing what I do. Perhaps I am risk adverse, or perhaps I just don't want 8 million things running through my mind every day.
Yesterday we totally cleaned our garage. Took two trips to the restore to get rid of lumber. I took down the stupidest shelving system ever created in a garage. It only took us 20 years to think to decon that piece of shit. The lumber went to the restore, and we have a lot more room. We are going to get another pass next week to the dump. Unload more shit.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. We got a lot done. I did go shopping for my rototiller, but it wasn't on sale. The local lumber yard I used to work at had 80 million carts in the corral. Lisa said it looked a lot like Wal-Mart. They only had 10 cashiers on the payroll one of the cashiers said. They are open like 100 hours/week.
Needless to say the Economy is pretty robust in West MI. Perhaps too robust. A bubble maybe. You can't make money at the banks, so perhaps another housing bubble.
I am debt free though, so I am further down the chain of any catastrophic event.
Anyway, I am out.
Have fun. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Laterzzz. :)
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