Good morning. How's it going? Me, I am fine. Yesterday was a day, and it was okay I guess. Work was work, and we'll be pretty busy the rest of the Summer. Busier after school gets out, which approaches. I got one trip of crap to the storage unit. For a small looking room you can put a bunch of crap in it. I got a good amount of my dad's stuff in there, and still have 80% of the space left. Out of sight = out of mind.
We went out to dinner at definitely our favorite Mexican restaurant. There is none better really. It always is pretty full, and their service is quick. Food is ridiculously good, and you cannot eat the whole meal.
Other than that not much. I couldn't find the audio book for my 5th book of my Scarpetti series. So the library held the actual book for me, and I picked it up. Patricia Cornwall is the author, and the Scarpetti series is 25-30 books I believe. I have a ways to go.
That was the day. I worked, I ate, and I slept. Today I have to bring more shit to the storage unit. Maybe cut the grass too if it's not too wet.
As you can see I am pretty busy, but not with anything terribly exciting. I'll be busy a while getting the outside taken care of. We are painting the house too. We have a few things to do first though.
I am glad to get my Dad here, but he can be annoying. I wouldn't be against shipping old people to another planet. He's one of those guys that complain at restaurants about this is too cold or whatever. Last night we had shock in our eyes as I basically told him to stfu. I think if he does it again I'll tell him never with us. If you are out on your own whatever, but we don't do that just to hear us speak.
Aging really isn't that graceful a thing. Everybody is out making their own story, and I suspect it isn't very graceful. You hear stories about people just being shitty to people. Just in my neighborhood I saw it. Just one guy being shitty to another and trying to pick a fight. I don't want to see two middle aged men under 5 foot five, but over 230 lbs. fighting each other. One once carried a badge, and one was brown in skin color. The badge guy is new to the neighborhood, and has always been fine to me. Maybe the brown skin color added a bit to the disagreement. I dont feel the white guy is in the right at all. Basically telling the brown guy where he can park his car in his own yard. The guy my Dad tried being an ass too was brown too. Who knows?
Is it worth getting upset over small shit? For me, I don't want to live that way. I have a simple life I try to make simpler. I'll just keep plugging along doing my own thing. I think I typically mind my own business.
I am a person living in a World where I know the truth. In your trust of your life matters I know the opposite is true. No lives matter, so don't be an ass over stupid shit.
Maybe people feel the need to elevate themself over others. I don't know. I think I tune out those who do such stuff.
Who knows?
I gotta run.
Laterzzz. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)