Good morning. How's it going? Me, I am doing okay. I had a pretty active day yesterday just by living. Not doing anything out of the norm. I am glad about that being part of my life.
There were some hickups to us getting our front picture window completed. The first scheduled day the guy was sick. Yesterday the guy got here, and realized it is a little bigger job than what he was led to believe. So he is coming back out today with everything he needs to finish the job. Including enough time. I cannot wait to be able to open those 3 awning windows when it gets warmer. Pretty exciting.
In just a couple weeks probably my house will be paid for. That will be a lot of extra money coming my way each year. I don't really have anything to spend it on either. That is just how I am though. If I was given the choice to do whatever I wanted this is it. I am happy and content doing what I do.
I work, I am active. I typically eat a pretty good meal each night, and I normally sleep pretty well. I find if I don't sleep too great one night I still feel fine the next day. I have everything I could want I guess, and maybe that has to do with I just don't want a lot. Maybe that is the best part of being how I am now. I am content.
Just today a new day has started, and I am excited about it. It is a normal type day too where I am up 3 hours before I need to be at work. I feel I've done that a good amount of years where that is just my norm.
Some of you may have been around where I used to have to rush if I was going to get to work 15 minutes after the 2-1/2 hours early I'd like to be. Haha. :)
Remember that one time I woke up thinking I am up at my regular time. I do my blog thing and stuff, and realize geez "The Tonight Show" is probably on right now. Oops.
Anyway I am 51 now. You never know how many years you have left, but I feel pretty good. I'll take Hope again. Yesterday I went over 30,000 steps. I typically have 10,000 steps in before 8:30 AM. That is my norm though.
Anyway, I pretty much got nothing. Today will be a day, and I am looking forward to it.
Have fun. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
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