Monday, October 2, 2017

Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Program.

Hello, and good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am doing fine. I am back on my regular schedule, and am ready. I actually worked for a bit on Saturday, but had to take Lisa to Prime care. She got sick, and was having problems breathing. The beginnings of bronchitis, plus asthma issues.

I did work yesterday too. I think I was feeling a bit under the weather too. I feel better today.  We did not get as much done  as we wanted, but today is another day. This week is another week. It is good to step away for a bit. Get a new perspective. I actually binge watched seasons 3, and 5 of American Horror Story. I am not a good binge watcher,  but I was on Friday and Saturday. Lazy, and maybe not feeling too great. Yesterday I finished listening to my 25 hour book or whatever.  I tried downloading the 2nd book in the series, but I am on a wait list.  I have book #15 In my bounty hunter series, so I'll continue with that.

Other than that we'll see what this week holds. All I know is I will work, eat, sleep. Other than that hopefully plug along with stuff around the house. I have to can more tomatoes today I think.  :)

Oops, I guess I got nothing. I did hear back on my Colonoscopy. It took me 51 years to get one little polyp. I assume that is some type of growth. It was benign, so next Colonoscopy is 10 years from now. That is good news. As I figured I am healthy there.

Anyway I'd normally delete this cuz it's dumb, but I don't really care.


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