Wednesday, October 25, 2017

OMG What An Epic Day.

Just kidding.  It was another day, and really not unlike others. I did make a new for me cookie at home. It was a chocolate cookie with chocolate mint chips in it. I am not one to eat cookies, but those were pretty ridiculous.

For fear of overbaking them I underbaked them, so they were soft and gooey. We had taco salad for dinner, and I had a huge plate. I fell asleep at some point, and woke up not knowing what day it was. I had no idea what century it was, or what galaxy I was on.

I did sleep good though,  cuz I woke up 2 hours before my alarm, and felt well rested. Been a good week sleep wise. Really the only bad thing about the last two days is the cold and shitty rain. Other than that pretty okay I'd say.

Nothing major going on in my life. No huge plans. Nothing epic in the foreseeable future. Most pressing thing on my mind is what to do for dinner.

This is pretty much the extent of my life. Work, eat, sleep. You know that though. There really isn't a ton to worry about. There really isn't a ton to blog about either.

I'll still publish this garbage though,  cuz then someone may have to read it.  :)

Have a good day.   :)

xoxo.    :)

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