Monday, October 30, 2017

The Difference In A Day.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am doing okay. I don't know why, but it is always easier for me to get up on Monday , than it is Sunday. This Sunday I got up in time to get to work at 5:00 AM, but I relaxed, and went in at 6:00, actually a little after.

I'd say big deal,  but that seems to be the case a lot. Maybe cuz I sleep in on Saturday. I don't know. Work went good yesterday. It was my longer Sunday, but I finished in just under 8 hours. I thought I might have a little longer day.

Not much really going on. I made Italian beef for dinner last night. I had giardinieri too. So yummy.  Also I am on book 19 of my Janet Evanovich-stephanie Plum series. They are entertaining. I find myself lol'ing a lot when I listen to them.

What else?  Hmmmm...  not much. I never really have a plan with these things, but I figure if I am up, I should do this. I am somewhat surprised when I have nothing like today. It seems I should always be able to come up with something.

Life goes on though. I don't know what today will be like. I assume it will be similar to most other days. I think there is a good chance of rain this whole week,  so I'll see about biking to work.

That's about it.  Sorry about publishing this.   :)

Cya.   :)

xxxx.       :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.    :)

Bye.   :)


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