Wednesday, September 13, 2017

All In A Day.

Good morning. How's it going?   Me, I am fine. Not much going on with me as usual. Yesterday was pretty much work, eat, sleep.

I used to think every year there was kinda a theme to this thing. One year strength, one year trust, and I don't really remember  after that. This thing has gone on for a number of years. If I took a guess I'd say this year is indifferent. Seems fitting since we went in the wilderness at some point. Where we find out we don't matter. I am not even sure if we are in it anymore.  With help I've been shielded from the sad part of life I guess. In the end life is pretty sad, because the truth shows us we don't matter. All our efforts and labors will still leave us 6' under.

I also think indifferent too, because what you do doesn't affect me in the least. With help once again I stand solo. It doesn't matter what people do. I am indifferent cuz no one has any part of the equation that is me. My story goes on with it without you. Indifferent too cuz I don't care either way.

So maybe that is the theme this year. Outside of me,  blogging has been pretty light. I don't comment much either. Once in a while to let people know I am still around.

I don't know if that matters or not. It doesn't matter to me.

I am strong, and with help my life is tied to nothing, but my help really, because that is how the story was going be anyway. It is how it was when I was asked to go solo in the wilderness. I survived the wilderness. Endured  it really.   Judged right after, and overcame the first time. The physical depression came right after.

A little something about this time is somewhere during the physical depression I read IT for the 2nd time. I may read it again, cuz that was over 25 years ago. I have no clue what happens when they are adults. I remember the lead character has to ride the bike at the end. So many books to read.

Anyway, just getting stuff down to let you know what I am thinking this morning. I wonder if my battle with Pennywise happens 26 or 27 years later too. It isn't really, cuz I overcame the 2nd time right before the wait started up. Years ago, but less than 10.

Guess that's good.

I'll cya maybe tomorrow.   :)

xxoo.   :)))

Luv Ya's.   :)

MWAH.   :)

xxxx.  :)

xoxo.    :)

Laterzzz.    :)

xo.   ;)

Cya.    :)

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