Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Not What I Expected...

Good Morning all.  How's it going??  Me, I am doing pretty good.  I had one of those Mondays where everything went wrong, and you know sometimes you just have to laugh.  You may think I am some crazy ass dude who doesn't pay attention to how I "should" be in life, and just lives off the seat of my pants.  Well... perhaps you are right.  I bring that shit to work too. 

It may seem like it is just Hipster living or some other Bullshit, but maybe it is just an eyesight that lets me judge what is stupid, and not gonna stress over it.  Goddamn Sociology majors want the World to scrutinize every fucking minutia detail, because you know,  There are spreadsheets and databases that can keep track of everything.

There is life out there.  It is worth living, and if you are crossing all your t's, and dotting all you i's, you are probably missing out.  Take a look at yourself when you are dead.   Imagine yourself.   Now what is so important while that you are sitting in your coffin??  Know what I mean??  Fuck all the Shitty Fucking Sociology majors.   {My apologies if any Sociology Majors read this.   ;)   }

So on this day, I am going to go for an early morning run.  I will take the Hopester.  I didn't run at all this weekend.  Tonight I am going to make me some Chicago Style Hotdogs for dinner.  Lisa closes.

That my friends is a good day.  Up early.  Do this stupid thing, and work, and get a work out in.

Later Fuckers.   


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