Saturday, February 23, 2013

I Can Get Used To This...

Good Morning all.  How's it going??  Me, I am doing pretty good.  I slept til like 6:00'ish.  I kinda like the sleeping in on Saturday.  I sure hope I can get up, and work on Saturdays when we start getting busier.  It seemed so easy last year, and sleep seems so good right now.  :)

Yesterday was a pretty good day.  Only bad part was when Lisa asked her Dad for some help... again, and those people are unwilling to help her out.  I told her to hang up on him.  I yelled actually.  I am sick of them.  Her Dad never did a damn thing for her, and never will.  Him and his horrible wife are miserable awful people.

Lisa didn't want to take our truck to take Hailey to see her dying aunt's last moments.  It is all for nothing anyway as she died last night.  I told Lisa that truck has lasted us all Winter.  We still have our jobs, and trust it will get you from point A to point B.  Selfish shitty people I have no time for.  Persona non Grata are they.   PERIOD...

So that was how my OOOPS!!!   I actually hit publish there. 

Anyway that is how my day ended.  So you have the view from Lisa's side of the family.  Jackie would give her shirt for any of the kids, and Hailey.  Her Dad never gave a shit about anyone but himself.  Those are not my type of people.  Screw 'em.  When people are so wrong and they don't even know it pisses me off.   That is just plain old dumb. 

Anyhooo, not much else going on.  Nothing has changed.  I still am doing what I am doing, and wonder what you people are doing.  Seems like you know in your mind that your direction is right, and you don't question anything.  



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