Monday, April 20, 2020

Starting At Day 1

Day 1 of not drinking happened yesterday again. My heart rate is way low. I already am looking forward to day 2 of not drinking. So dumb I do it in the first place. The stay at home did me in I guess. I am down to 159 pounds which is ridiculous. I am one of those people who lost weight during this ordeal. Mostly cuz I eat less meals. You cut your activity by 2/3, and you just aren't hungry.  One thing I noticed is so far I dont have the phlegm thing this morning. It would be nice to have that over with. With my  heart rate low at least I know I am not fighting anything. Healthy on that front. 

I got my shopping done yesterday. I saw a lot of people without masks. Also you see a lot of not healthy looking people not wearing masks. To each their own I guess. What does the average person look like?  Are the majority of us unhealthy?  

I go back to work today. My activity will increase, so that is good. Get back on a more normal schedule. I didn't sleep great last night, but I think tonight I will. I'll get the activity in plus I'll be going on little sleep. I am in the middle of a good book, and I am listening to a good book. Also, I have to start doing GOT again. Finish that up. 

It will be a busy day today compared to how I have been. I will take Hope this morning, and hopefully have enough time to ride my bike. I have my summer bike upstairs,  but I have to fill the tires. 

So basically nothing i guess. Another day, and there sure are enough things to worry about each day huh?  So many hidden things to concern ourselves about. 

I guess i better get going.  

Laterzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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