Tuesday, April 21, 2020

On The Uptick

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am okay. I worked yesterday, and I didn't drink again. At my age drinking increases stress, cuz of the negative side effects. My resting heart rate is falling again. My brother John is like on 170 days of not drinking, and that's the direction I'd like to head. The thought of drinking currently seems very negative to me. I  guess that's how you want to be if you want to quit. 

I feel my phlegm thingy is going away too. I am a confident person, and I typically think my body can overcome anything. Imagine a little pill can create in you a cough.  Seems ridiculous right?  I always figured my body would overcome. Also I wonder if alcohol makes it worse.  I took two pills at different for blood pressure. Both had a cough element,  and I had a lingering cough. Life can be scary once you turn 50 plus.  You start thinking what invisible shit will be my doom.   :)   Me trying to do healthier things will alleviate that very real stress. Especially during this crazy time. 

I finished reading my book. I slept good, but my early alarm woke me from a deep sleep. I feel I ate okay yesterday. I wouldn't mind gaining a couple pounds this week. 

Really not much else going on. We are only working today this week. Expanding curb side to 2 days at each place next week, and just getting ready. We will work probably 4 days for a few weeks, and expect the bakery at least will open up. I cannot predict restaurants at all. It's kinda been a perfect storm of bad things that can happen to an Economy. The whole World too. 

We are sitting in a pretty good spot. Financially our lifestyle is simple and cheap. I have no outstanding debt, and like consuming alcohol in your later years, that just adds stress during difficult economic times. I guess a lot of oil companies will be finding that out soon.   :)

Today is a bit of work,  and most exciting is day 3 of not drinking.  Not drinking seems to just erase stress kinda.  

Anyway I spose.  

Laterzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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