Sunday, April 19, 2020

Back To New Beginnings

Let's start this thing over. New beginnings.  I go back to work tomorrow, which is good. Needless to say I did a bit of drinking during quarantine. Gotta stop that again. Without my 30,000 steps I think the alcohol hit me a bit harder. Now I dont want it to hit me at all. I gotta start working out again too. Push ups,  and pull ups at least. 

I have a lot to do today. Dishes, laundry, shopping, and the floor. That should be good though. Hopefully tire me out so I get on a more normal sleep pattern. I did sleep 8 hours the last two nights. I changed my blood pressure medication again, cuz I still have my stupid cough. It's like I produce phlegm when I am awake. Not while I am sleeping. I get the covid-19,  I'm a goner.  :)

So new beginnings. New again lifestyle, and being more active. Can you imagine what it's like to be in a concentration camp?  Yikes.  I hate tv, I am sick of my phone. Give me activity please. I'll probably try and stay off social networking. The political stuff just makes me mad. I just want to live a healthy life, and negativity decreases the quality of my life. I have my opinions,  and I am no longer objective. I just get mad. Its pointless. 

I have my life. I want it to be easy. That means I labor,  and tire myself out. Eat a meal,  and sleep. Wake up, and repeat. Gonna try and keep garbage out of my life. The world is bad enough, it doesn't need me to be an asshole. 

Oh well, I guess I'll start my day. Tomorrow is a new day. 

Laterzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.     :)))

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