Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Sleep

Boy nothing beats a good night sleep. Of course I couldn't get up at my early alarm. Not even  sure if I want to do the early alarm anymore. It might not be worth it. 

This morning I got up not from my middle alarm, but from the Police. My Dad was driving slow, confused, jumped a curb, and  was on the grass. Police checked him out. Vitals were good, but kinda confused. So he is back here. We will take his keys away. The cops are going to start the paperwork. Once the SOS opens he will have to do a driving test to keep his license. He may go stay in a VA long term care place though. 3 squares,  people,  etc...  

Outside that not much. I was tired after work yesterday. I didn't do much after. I read my book a lot. It seemed a good way to spend time. I slept at a decent time, and fell asleep easily. I got a solid 6 hours plus of sleep. 

The days are different. I am not gonna be the same old person I was. Just not sure how different. I did pushups,  and pullups again on Sunday in spite of the pain. I feel that actually helps, a bit. Either today or tomorrow I do it again. Not sure which. I will no longer have soreness soon, and honestly that kinda sucks. You forget how good the exercise is when you no longer get sore. 

My life is staying relatively simple. I like it this way. I am optimistic the worst of this may be over. The MI numbers seem to be going down. My neck of the woods is a slight uptick. We definitely are testing more though. If we can get back to a more normal situation that would be sweet. 

Today is a work day, which is nice. By the time you know it, it will be 2:00 PM, and I will have 20,000 steps in. I have to pick up my dad's car, which is parked on a street not too far from the bakery actually. 

So yeah, another day. My life is pretty sweet. Especially after a good night sleep. 

Anyway, I gotta go.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeee.      :)))

Sunday, April 26, 2020

3 Pounds To The Good Side

I gained 3 pounds last week, so that is good. I felt I ate better. I was hungry a lot. Especially on the days I worked. My cough, and phlegm thing is disappearing. I did do pushups and pullups the other day. Worst case scenario. I didn't lose a lot of strength yet, so I could do my normal reps. I did lose all ability to do them without soreness later. I am paying for that. Holy cripes. 

I slept almost 9 hours last night, which for me is a miracle. I feel pretty good today. We are going to work on a project outside today, which is our final one. This virus thing has been horrible. and still is, but we really got a lot done, and financially we didn't take a hit really. The time off we used to our benefit. Lisa will probably still have a few weeks off. 

Outside that not much. It would be kinda nice to get rid of this virus. We all are living with just a little apprehension in us I bet. Who is going to feel comfortable sitting in a bar having a beer?  Young people I guess. The older you are the more you worry. Typically anyway. 

This week will be a pretty normal week for me. I'll probably work 4 days. Our work area is spacious,  and there are not a lot of people working so it will be safe. Plus we all have to wear masks so. I am confident, and have no fear of working. For what has been a really negative start to the year, we have done positive things. 

Anyway, I guess I got nothing.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeee.       :)))

Friday, April 24, 2020

One Thing Gone

So, I think my cough phlegm thing is all gone. It was the two medications. During this time a chronic cough is pretty stressful, with that nasty big elephant in everyone's room. I did worry about it. You just wonder the cause. It's something invisible regardless, so your mind can conjure up any number of things. 

Yesterday we got some things done. I did go for another run. I am going to do push ups,  and pull ups after this. I forget working out also is a way to get your blood flowing through muscles and stuff. I feel that is a part of keeping me healthy. Everything took a hit for a while.  Health for me is a priority,  so resistance training I feel is important too. 

I can definitely feel my legs after running two days in a row. That's all good stuff too.  This World currently is very stressful. Luckily next week will be a pretty normal schedule for me. That will help me feel good mentally. Getting into a bit of a norm. I did get a lot done yesterday. Cleaned the fridge, organized the pantry, threw old shit out, and a honey do project that never would have gotten done for years probably. The duct on our downstairs bath fan got unconnected. I had to take down a few boards from the ceiling,  to reconnect it. We did it, and put the ceiling back up. It is tongue and groove.  I think that is about it. I did finish listening to my book. It was due in a day or two. I got my next one to start tomorrow at work. 

Yesterday appears to be a bad day for the virus. Everyone has their side on best way to handle this. I really don't know. I suspect we should be social distancing even if those orders aren't in place. We all can look at the average population, and judge. I don't want to get sick, cuz of someone who looks like the average population. It's not a good look for a person. I wear a mask when I am out. Not that I go out hardly. We have a lot of food. Pantry is full. freezers have a lot. It's not like we stocked up, but sometimes you forget you have shit. 

I do have anxiety though. Maybe we all do. Financially, I am secure, but so much of our health issues are invisible, so we are a ticking time bomb potentially. If we get hit with the virus we wont know it unless we get symptoms. 

Work makes me feel more normal,  and confident. Stewing at home is not my best thing. It has definitely helped we continued to do shit. Projects and stuff. Our house needs another cleaning,  and now we have to clean downstairs too. 

I read somewhere regardless of the next moves they will be bad. The Economy won't all of a sudden get better, the virus isn't going to disappear,  and people are still going to get sick and die. We are going to play a little game called survival of the fittest. To what scale we are not really sure. There will be a culling, but to what scale we have still yet to see. 

The future days will be different. The plans we made on January 1...   ehhh,  they never pan out anyway.  

Laterzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Thursday, April 23, 2020

How Do You Tune Out The Noise?

There is no shortage of things to pay attention to these days. Except Sports. I pay zero attention to Sports. No sports to pay attention to. I check the numbers daily for the virus. The cases in my neck of the woods are inching up. There is probably a lot more testing now. We are probably lucky this isn't in the middle of flu season. I gather the flu brings people to the Healthcare system too. 

This thing here has changed the World we live in. It is different from here on out. It isn't a huge statement, and not a big deal really. WWII ended, and people found a norm. The same should happen here.  The macro financial impact I don't know. It's pretty severe theoretically. There is a lot of money in circulation. Also a lot of loans taken out thinking the World tomorrow will be quite different than what actually will take place. 

I think I read somewhere there is a lot of corporate debt outstanding. Everything is different today now too.  I dont know what will happen,  but things are different. It wasn't a flawed man made thing that did it either. The flawed man made things probably won't come out unscathed however. Economies dealt a body blow. A significant one too, but how it turns out who knows. 

Yesterday was pretty good. My cough is better again. My blood pressure is lower, but now I don't trust my stupid machine. It typically stops measuring the lower number when you can no longer feel your heartbeat. It stopped while I still felt my heartbeat. I can check it at work on Saturday. They have those everywhere at my Saturday job. 

Today i woke up feeling less anxious. It was another day of not drinking. It's pretty easy now, because I am afraid of the Health ramifications, and the idea of a drink makes me disgusted kinda. Think when you are a kid, and you take a sip of a mixed drink. Yuk right?  That's how I feel. Yuk, and fear of the Health negativity. 

I went on a run yesterday. Not long. My legs were sore,  and I had to nap. We got a few things done, I finished season 6 of GOT, and I ate good. I've lost muscle during this time. I can see it, and my calves, which were muscle now have loose skin. My arms are smaller, and my chest less defined. I'll have to work on that again. 

Really not much else besides that. Financially we are doing good. Better than before really,  which seems impossible. The percentage of people making rent payments, and house payments probably have some stress. Big city living is expensive. It makes a one size fits all stimulus package seem unfair, but I gather after this people may try and move out of the big cities. 

All things being equal these types of things in the long run bring about a long term progressive turn in politics. You bring outsiders to an area where people lived their whole life, and it changes things. 

Remember my writing essay to graduate College. If I was born in a racist town with racist parents what on Earth could make me not racist. I threw everything out. It's me, and my life. If I am held accountable for me it would be silly to hold onto anything just in case it isn't true. It turns out that was the right move. Everything was wrong. Look at my Dad 30 years later. You know?  It would have been pretty dumb to tie my ship to that idiot. 

These days a lot of people tie their ship to flags, and guns,  and whatever. I sought out the truth. It ended up being pretty brutal. I have long since accepted it though. I have long since been accepted. I ain't no Saint. That's for sure, but I am confident. I am assured too. 

Anyway, I may run again. Well, actually for sure I am. Should be okay. 

Have a good one.   :)

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Better Heading Into Days Off

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. My blood pressure reading was high, so that's annoying. I'll monitor it the next week, or so, and maybe make a prescription adjustment. Other than that things are fine. Not drinking is going good. Actually I think for me it is a necessity. Since my blood pressure obviously can run on the high side, drinking is bad. 

I got off work yesterday with days off coming up. I relaxed for a bit, got the walk in closet floor done. Later on I did dishes, and we pulled weeds in the front yard. There was no desire to drink alcohol. This day and age I am afraid of the health ramifications of drinking. I know, I am going to worry myself into an early grave. 

I did watch a few more episodes of GOT, and started reading another book. I ate a lot too. I definitely had a good appetite. I ate like 4 small meals, plus a salad,  and a piece of coffee cake, and some pickles. Its sorta funny, I put as a goal to get down to 160 pounds. Last week I reached it. 158.9, and I was like oh shit I got cancer.  :)  I weigh myself one day a week. The day before our dinner was shit, so I barely ate anything. I weighed myself around noon the next day with no food in me, so of course I weighed less. See though, I worry about everything. Maybe it's just cuz the World is messed up. 

This place seems like it should be a nice place right?  We just come here to die though. We aren't sure when either. We don't start really worrying about it til we are older. 

There is a nasty virus that wreaked havoc on the World. People are taking their sides on how best to deal with it. It's not even comical.  We are starting to get a few more cases where I live. Starting to inch up. Just more shit to worry about I guess. This shit will take a toll on us stress wise I guess. I would say best stay busy. Keep your mind on other things as much as you can.  

I am going to take Hope for a short run today. It's been a while cuz of my cough. I feel I am doing better though. Much better really. I need to sweat more though. Sweat the salt out of my system kinda. Lord knows I am skinny enough to be a good runner for me. 

Today should be okay I guess. We will work on a few things. My front grass is horrible. I guess I should start doing something with it. Yeah, I got a few things to work on today. Kinda looking forward to the run.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

On The Uptick

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am okay. I worked yesterday, and I didn't drink again. At my age drinking increases stress, cuz of the negative side effects. My resting heart rate is falling again. My brother John is like on 170 days of not drinking, and that's the direction I'd like to head. The thought of drinking currently seems very negative to me. I  guess that's how you want to be if you want to quit. 

I feel my phlegm thingy is going away too. I am a confident person, and I typically think my body can overcome anything. Imagine a little pill can create in you a cough.  Seems ridiculous right?  I always figured my body would overcome. Also I wonder if alcohol makes it worse.  I took two pills at different for blood pressure. Both had a cough element,  and I had a lingering cough. Life can be scary once you turn 50 plus.  You start thinking what invisible shit will be my doom.   :)   Me trying to do healthier things will alleviate that very real stress. Especially during this crazy time. 

I finished reading my book. I slept good, but my early alarm woke me from a deep sleep. I feel I ate okay yesterday. I wouldn't mind gaining a couple pounds this week. 

Really not much else going on. We are only working today this week. Expanding curb side to 2 days at each place next week, and just getting ready. We will work probably 4 days for a few weeks, and expect the bakery at least will open up. I cannot predict restaurants at all. It's kinda been a perfect storm of bad things that can happen to an Economy. The whole World too. 

We are sitting in a pretty good spot. Financially our lifestyle is simple and cheap. I have no outstanding debt, and like consuming alcohol in your later years, that just adds stress during difficult economic times. I guess a lot of oil companies will be finding that out soon.   :)

Today is a bit of work,  and most exciting is day 3 of not drinking.  Not drinking seems to just erase stress kinda.  

Anyway I spose.  

Laterzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Monday, April 20, 2020

Starting At Day 1

Day 1 of not drinking happened yesterday again. My heart rate is way low. I already am looking forward to day 2 of not drinking. So dumb I do it in the first place. The stay at home did me in I guess. I am down to 159 pounds which is ridiculous. I am one of those people who lost weight during this ordeal. Mostly cuz I eat less meals. You cut your activity by 2/3, and you just aren't hungry.  One thing I noticed is so far I dont have the phlegm thing this morning. It would be nice to have that over with. With my  heart rate low at least I know I am not fighting anything. Healthy on that front. 

I got my shopping done yesterday. I saw a lot of people without masks. Also you see a lot of not healthy looking people not wearing masks. To each their own I guess. What does the average person look like?  Are the majority of us unhealthy?  

I go back to work today. My activity will increase, so that is good. Get back on a more normal schedule. I didn't sleep great last night, but I think tonight I will. I'll get the activity in plus I'll be going on little sleep. I am in the middle of a good book, and I am listening to a good book. Also, I have to start doing GOT again. Finish that up. 

It will be a busy day today compared to how I have been. I will take Hope this morning, and hopefully have enough time to ride my bike. I have my summer bike upstairs,  but I have to fill the tires. 

So basically nothing i guess. Another day, and there sure are enough things to worry about each day huh?  So many hidden things to concern ourselves about. 

I guess i better get going.  

Laterzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.           :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.        :)))

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Back To New Beginnings

Let's start this thing over. New beginnings.  I go back to work tomorrow, which is good. Needless to say I did a bit of drinking during quarantine. Gotta stop that again. Without my 30,000 steps I think the alcohol hit me a bit harder. Now I dont want it to hit me at all. I gotta start working out again too. Push ups,  and pull ups at least. 

I have a lot to do today. Dishes, laundry, shopping, and the floor. That should be good though. Hopefully tire me out so I get on a more normal sleep pattern. I did sleep 8 hours the last two nights. I changed my blood pressure medication again, cuz I still have my stupid cough. It's like I produce phlegm when I am awake. Not while I am sleeping. I get the covid-19,  I'm a goner.  :)

So new beginnings. New again lifestyle, and being more active. Can you imagine what it's like to be in a concentration camp?  Yikes.  I hate tv, I am sick of my phone. Give me activity please. I'll probably try and stay off social networking. The political stuff just makes me mad. I just want to live a healthy life, and negativity decreases the quality of my life. I have my opinions,  and I am no longer objective. I just get mad. Its pointless. 

I have my life. I want it to be easy. That means I labor,  and tire myself out. Eat a meal,  and sleep. Wake up, and repeat. Gonna try and keep garbage out of my life. The world is bad enough, it doesn't need me to be an asshole. 

Oh well, I guess I'll start my day. Tomorrow is a new day. 

Laterzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.     :)))

Friday, April 17, 2020

Back To Normal'ish??

I just got some good news. I am going back to work next week. We are just going to expand the curbside offerings, and hope we open up soon. We may not be working a full 40 hours, but I'll probably get paid close to 40 hours. Perfect timing too, because my dumpster is gone, and our inside stuff is done. I can get back to a bit of normal, which for me is exciting. 

The World is still fucked up as far as I can tell, but hopefully we are moving in the right direction. My time off has been productive. We definitely got a lot done. It's kinda doing a wintry mix outside right now, and I am fine with it. Going back to work has me pretty excited actually. 

We definitely used our time in a productive way. The worst part is just having the schedule all fucked up. Sleep is jacked, and all that stuff. That will soon be ended though. Man I am really stoked. 

I got one of my floors done yesterday. They take longer than you think. I had a ton of tongue and groove planking left over from the breezeway I used. It's not the same color as the stairs, but it looks fine. It actually came out really good. Like maybe I am getting good at floors. 

Whatever, I got basically nothing. I am pretty excited though. Good days ahead.  

Laterzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeee.       :)))

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Finally A Good Night Sleep

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. We finally have all our inside stuff done. I am going to call the dumpster people to come pick it up. I still have those two floors, but I am doing it today. It is surprising how much shit we had to throw out. Our dumpster is huge. It was a 20 yard dumpster, and we mostly filled it up. That's a lot of shit. Too much shit actually. Its ridiculous. It's done though, and I feel good about it. 

I slept good last night. 8-1/2 hours worth. I am starting my day past 10:00, which is ideal. I'll do some work, and we will contemplate dinner. Next week as the temps warm up we will get outside stuff done. We used our time off in a good positive way I think.  If things get back to a sort of normalcy, I think it sets up for a good Summer. I am pretty sure the bakery should be able to open up by May 1. Restaurants, and factories are another story. Not sure about that. Most retail stores hopefully can open too. I'd really like to see the numbers drop more though. 

What a nasty virus. Not much else going on with me. Getting into a new normal kinda. I am not so sure how I'll like my early alarm when this thing is over.   :)  I think though when I start to approach 30,000 steps, and eat more than two meals each day again my sleep will be normal again. I dont even know the last time I rode a bike.  Sheesh, didn't even think of that. 

What else?  Not much really. Just doing the day to day, but differently. I like my other one better.  Actually not really much on my mind. We are having a good and productive Spring. It's just too bad the World has to take a shit for this to happen. Some areas of the World are too populated. Hard to keep those areas clean. Impossible really. It's hard for me to just keep up the cleaning in my house. Imagine a city street no one gives a shit about. The World is dirty. Pretty little dresses, and suits and ties ain't gonna change it.  

Anyway I spose.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

It Is 10:00 AM. I Guess I Can Start The Day

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I do have the constant virus worry that seems to never really leave. After this we will all have a fear of public places. :)  Except those stupid protestors in Michigan. The group of course is funded by Betsy Devos, so it's one of those things. Betsy is probably mad she cannot visit her multi-million dollar Summer home down the road from us. It's a monstrosity,  and I don't know if I've ever seen anyone in there. Oh shit, whose going to cut her grass, and plant the flowers she'll never see, cuz they are never there?  Oh the mighty struggles of those born with a golden spoon in their mouth, or whatever that saying is. 

Really though do they not see Michigan being a really bad State as far as these things go?  I'd like to see the protestors go complain in Detroit. 

We got a lot done yesterday again. Today will finish up the inside portion. Garage kinda sucks, cuz we have stuff to donate staged there. It will be clear after that. So today will be pretty exciting. I do have to install two small floors, which shouldn't be a huge deal. I might leave some or all for tomorrow. We will see how things turn out. 

I did the sleep for a few hours last night, be awake for a few hours, and sleep again. I got a lot of money deposited into checking last night. $3800. Also I'll get another $1600 next week. Pretty crazy right?  It is nice I won't have to dig into savings during this ordeal. Actually I can probably add to it, but interest rates are shit. Even in my Discover one. I guess its tied to the lending rate. 

As much as possible I guess we turned this negative thing into a positive as much as possible. Just getting shit done. Lucky for us there is no strain financially for us, but we are the lucky ones I bet. Not everyone can say that. Future is still uncertain too.  I felt yesterday was a bit of a buzz kill as far as covid-19 numbers were. Pretty brutal day. Just cuz the numbers spiked a bit after the weekend. A lot of people dying too. 

That's the name of the game anyway. At some point in time we are headed there anyway. Kinda crazy the allure of bringing people into this World so they can eventually face their death. Where is the happily ever after part?  Unfortunately it's not there. There is a reason why the 12+1 never had kids. One just has to HONESTLY, and OBJECTIVELY look at the numbers.  Accept the hidden truth,  although it hasn't been hidden to me for decades.  

Anyway, I spose.  

Today should be pretty exciting. Just getting more shit done.  

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeee.       :)))

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Secret To Living Well During This Crisis.

For me it is having shit to do. Also staying in bed helps. Start the day later. Normally I am totally against this idea, but during this time I don't want to have my shit done by noon. Start late, work on projects late, next thing you know it is time for dinner. I am having coffee, and feeling pretty good about today. I got a shit ton done yesterday, and all I have left is cleaning and organizing the garage, and other side of the basement. All my shit is moved. Lisa still has a ton of shit to do, cuz she has a ton of shit. 

My life is simple. I don't have a ton of clothes. Not much else either. For this week, I can continue to work, eat, sleep, it is just on a different schedule. Also I am making more money by not working.   :)

If I didn't have shit to do it would be pretty brutal. I am not a good tv binge watcher. I like labor. Speaking oh binge watching, I just started season 6 of GOT. I'll be able to finish that over the next week or so. I have cleaning and organizing to do, and next week I can get our outside set up for the Summer. I hope this virus is gone soon. Also with all we've done with the time off, I would have needed a weeks vacation to get all this shit done anyway. Vacations at work are a use or lose. I'll probably lose my two weeks. Last thing I foresee me wanting is days off. 

Anyway things are okay here. It helped I got so much done yesterday. It made me feel positive. 

I guess I'll start my day. 

Laterzzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

Monday, April 13, 2020

A Little Windfall.

So, I wasn't really paying attention to the stimulus thingy. I knew we were getting $2400, which our property taxes are ~$2000, so that's our house payment for the year. We've been getting unemployment,  it isn't what we normally make, but it pays our bills, and it's not like we are shopping.   So there was an extra weekly $600 federal unemployment thing. After taxes I got a $514 credit today. Lisa's getting two for the next two weeks on top of regular unemployment. I'll get another two next week. So we get a little windfall, since I don't have bills besides utilities. I live cheaply,  so I am getting a good chunk for not working. Go figure. 

Obviously I'd rather be working. Once again I am not sleeping well. I hate my phone, and I hate tv.   :)  I really just had no idea. It would be helpful for  those with bills, and what not. Especially if you are in a cost of living expensive place. Like it probably doesn't help a ton for New Yorkers with high rents. So now I'll have money, and no way to spend it. 

Other than that plugging along. I took apart my bed yesterday, and moved it downstairs. It was a pretty big job actually. We will get the rest of the stuff moved down today. Craft room thingies back in the craft room. My Dad will never know how much we sacrificed to help him out. Our own comfort to give him a good life in his late years, and he blew it. 

Anyway we are keeping slightly busy. I worked for 6 hours on Saturday, and our throwing shit in the dumpster, and moving downstairs to the big room. It's like 2-1/2 times bigger than where we were sleeping. Plus there is a bathroom attached. As long as none of us get the virus, we will be pretty good. The unemployment windfall will help the kids too with bills. 

Outside that not much. This stay at home thing is pretty much what I do with my time off I guess. It's just working really helps me fill my day. I kinda get a taste of retirement. Definitely not going to be my thing. 

That's about it. Gotta do some moving today. 

Laterzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

Friday, April 10, 2020

Seems Like Old Times.

Not really,  but I am up early. I am doing better sleeping. First I was having troubles, and then I lately have been sleeping a lot. Like 9 hours or so. 

We luckily have had some stuff to do. The kids are 90% moved out. They moved to the house across the street. I helped very little. My Dad doesn't live here. I have no idea where he is at. I suspect the policeman got him hooked up somewhere. The mission would be a good place. 3 square meals. I don't really care as long as he is not here. 

We have a dumpster coming today, which is pretty exciting surprisingly. Just unload all the shit we don't need. There isn't a ton, but "stuff" accumulates. Especially having too many people living here. Those days are over. 

Other than that things are fine. I have at least 3 more weeks of this. Financially we are fine. We get unemployment, and stimulus. It helps I have no debt. No house payment, and no car payment. I suspect financial stress can be a burden for some. 

I for one cancelled all non-necessary expenses. Obviously I don't have  to pay my gym. Pandora is gone, and Disney, and unlimited car washes. There may be more. I suspect maybe a lot of people have done that. The future sure is uncertain. 

At least I have a week or two of stuff to keep me busy. Dump shit, move our stuff downstairs, move craft shit into our old room. Plus get our outdoor area set up. I guess luckily we are turning a negative into a positive. The stupid virus sure is scary though. Will I ever want to be around people again?  I can't imagine I'll stop washing my hands or using bleach towels to wipe shit down. 

We are in a horrible State as far as the virus goes, but 80% or more is in the Detroit area. I don't know why. Is it high rises that is the problem? Apartment life would be horrible now. At least I have a yard. My neighborhood is pretty quiet. I can take Hope, and see very few people. Even at a normal time. At 4:00 AM I see no one. 

Anyway, just touching base. Obviously losing my routine I lose the ability to blog. I had no idea that would happen. I am as surprised as you. 

I spose.   

Laterzzzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

Monday, April 6, 2020

Here Is To Another Week.

Yesterday was a pretty okay day. I got all my Sunday shit done. I ate a meal. I weigh 2 pounds less since not working.  :)   Obviously no raiding the fridge problems for me. 

It is a pretty scary time. Especially for big cities. New York, Detroit, Chicago, and New Orleans look horrible. What will the new World look like?  What happens when the World with all its advances does not have a currency to help sustain it?  Then what?  

A person born to this World is destined to put their faith in the coins of this World.  

I wonder about the USA. How unhealthy are we?  Detroit is so hard hit, and yet the police STILL have to break up large gatherings.  What?  Maybe it is the young people. Cuz they will never die.  I wonder about obese people. 

I don't know.  A lot of stuff to ponder I guess. Luckily for me we have a lot going on. Plenty to keep me busy. I find that to be the best for me. Do shit, have dinner,  stay up later than normal, and repeat. 

Laterzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.           :)

Byeeeeeee.        :)))

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Changes At The Homestead.

I mean I know we are all dealing with that now, but we have more. First off my Dad continued his silly ways. Blowing $2000 in a week or so for like the 8th month in a row. How he pisses it away is anyone's guess. Since I've been home you can hear his phone conversations so I know a lot goes to the Heroin addict. He doesn't understand when he runs out he eats our food. I was going to give him dinners, not the seemingly other 4 meals he eats. 

So when he decided to go leave to pick up the girl, cuz he got his ss check, I told him you leave, you better bring 3 weeks of clothes. he ignored me, and said I'll have to move out. He was just going to take his sweet old time, so I kicked him out. He went to the police yesterday, so I talked to the police for like the 5th time in 4 months, because of him. He's had 2 or 3 policeman warn him about hanging out with the trouble he was. I warned him, and yelled at him for being dumb. 

I dont know what the police did, but he is out of here. Persona non Grata as it were. Maybe found a place for him or something. His casual attitude of putting the health of this house at risk, because of a heroin addict whore is beyond all comprehension. No more will I have to deal with his lies, and just being a nuisance and a burden to this household. Thank God. Good riddance. 

If you got a shitty kid who is of age, that continues to do stupid stuff putting your house at risk,  you give them their walking papers. For my Dad he's used up any good will, so when he dies I will think the World is a better place. As you can see I will not win Saint of the Year, but I never put myself in the running. 

Also the kids started moving out. This house of 4 bedrooms will only have 3 people living in it. The time off will be helpful to get our shit organized. I worked yesterday, which was nice. The cleaning place. It turns out my body is pretty addicted to the typical 10-14 miles I put in daily,  cuz I dont sleep for shit otherwise. I think I had 26 miles last week, and like 36 the week before. I definitely started to do some outside work to stay busier. 

Anyway, I guess that's it.  

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.      :)))