There is no shortage of things to pay attention to these days. Except Sports. I pay zero attention to Sports. No sports to pay attention to. I check the numbers daily for the virus. The cases in my neck of the woods are inching up. There is probably a lot more testing now. We are probably lucky this isn't in the middle of flu season. I gather the flu brings people to the Healthcare system too.
This thing here has changed the World we live in. It is different from here on out. It isn't a huge statement, and not a big deal really. WWII ended, and people found a norm. The same should happen here. The macro financial impact I don't know. It's pretty severe theoretically. There is a lot of money in circulation. Also a lot of loans taken out thinking the World tomorrow will be quite different than what actually will take place.
I think I read somewhere there is a lot of corporate debt outstanding. Everything is different today now too. I dont know what will happen, but things are different. It wasn't a flawed man made thing that did it either. The flawed man made things probably won't come out unscathed however. Economies dealt a body blow. A significant one too, but how it turns out who knows.
Yesterday was pretty good. My cough is better again. My blood pressure is lower, but now I don't trust my stupid machine. It typically stops measuring the lower number when you can no longer feel your heartbeat. It stopped while I still felt my heartbeat. I can check it at work on Saturday. They have those everywhere at my Saturday job.
Today i woke up feeling less anxious. It was another day of not drinking. It's pretty easy now, because I am afraid of the Health ramifications, and the idea of a drink makes me disgusted kinda. Think when you are a kid, and you take a sip of a mixed drink. Yuk right? That's how I feel. Yuk, and fear of the Health negativity.
I went on a run yesterday. Not long. My legs were sore, and I had to nap. We got a few things done, I finished season 6 of GOT, and I ate good. I've lost muscle during this time. I can see it, and my calves, which were muscle now have loose skin. My arms are smaller, and my chest less defined. I'll have to work on that again.
Really not much else besides that. Financially we are doing good. Better than before really, which seems impossible. The percentage of people making rent payments, and house payments probably have some stress. Big city living is expensive. It makes a one size fits all stimulus package seem unfair, but I gather after this people may try and move out of the big cities.
All things being equal these types of things in the long run bring about a long term progressive turn in politics. You bring outsiders to an area where people lived their whole life, and it changes things.
Remember my writing essay to graduate College. If I was born in a racist town with racist parents what on Earth could make me not racist. I threw everything out. It's me, and my life. If I am held accountable for me it would be silly to hold onto anything just in case it isn't true. It turns out that was the right move. Everything was wrong. Look at my Dad 30 years later. You know? It would have been pretty dumb to tie my ship to that idiot.
These days a lot of people tie their ship to flags, and guns, and whatever. I sought out the truth. It ended up being pretty brutal. I have long since accepted it though. I have long since been accepted. I ain't no Saint. That's for sure, but I am confident. I am assured too.
Anyway, I may run again. Well, actually for sure I am. Should be okay.
Have a good one. :)
Laterzzzzzzz. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Byeeeeeeeee. :)))