Wednesday, February 7, 2018

So, I Got The Bug.

So, I definitely got sick. Fever, and everything. It's been so long. We talked about it last night, and the last time I got sick,  where it actually affected me might have been 15 years ago. I didn't miss any work this time, but I was nowhere near 100%  on Monday I felt so bad I decided to sleep it off. I came home from work,  showered,  and went to bed. I woke up, ate some noodles,  and went back to bed. I didn't know if I was over it,  until yesterday. I did sweat out the last of my fever Monday. After work yesterday I ran the snow blower. Inside afterwards I sat on the couch with just a short sleeve shirt on. I knew I was fine then. When I was sick I put on shirts, and hoodies,  usually after a long hot shower.

I have been lucky in a sense to rarely get sick,  but out of practice though too. Luckily there is shit going around wiping people out, so I had respect for this sucker. My wife has it now, and she is miserable.  Stuff usually hits her way harder than me.

The only good thing about being sick is you appreciate how it feels to be healthy again. I am having a cup of coffee this morning, so I'll be firing on all cylinders.

Other than that not much going on. I am pretty stoked to switch my Sunday job to Saturday. That gives me like an extra $180 give or take every two weeks. 

Where I live,  and how we live that's some nice extra cash.  In the end your life is the time you spend between birth, and death. Everyone seeks out happiness I suspect,  but the only teachers, and the only lessons are from this World. So you really seek out things perhaps improved upon since cavemen. Progress I guess you would call it from Society have given you other things to look at.

It would be good to be the King right?  That isn't in our future. It would be good to be content,  and that is tricky,  cuz our hearts we don't control. If we did we'd make it so our hearts were content.  If you did control your hearts what you believed as a kid would be done. On your way to happily ever after.

Only problem with that is Anne Frank was born just like you. She wanted happily ever after just like anyone.

The truth to life does not come from this World or from Society.  We all are born to this World,  and thrown into society. The truth will show you some horrible truths, for those who have the courage to look. The others will remain a part of this World,  and their collective society. Forever searching,  and forever failing to find that happily ever after.

Anyway, I'll cya.


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