Monday, February 19, 2018

I Spose.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me. I am fine. I slept a lot last night, so that's good. I haven't ordered a burger out in forever, and I had one for lunch yesterday. After work I was craving one for some reason. It wasn't anything special,  but it was soooo  good. I don't know why I don't eat burgers much anymore, I swear we used to eat them once / week.

Outside of work,  and lunch I didn't do much. Actually pretty much nothing. I am glad I flopped my Saturdays, and Sundays. No reason really.

So, I am just living out my days. I don't really have much to worry about. Some day this living thing ends, and all the activities matter no more. I won't worry about finances, and vacations. I won't look over my shoulder to make sure no one's life is better than mine. Actually I already live that way. In my story I overcame life I guess. My heart does not chase after wind. I don't try to manipulate the World or people to whatever way I want things.

I live the way I want. Work,  eat, sleep. Today there will be work,  and a meal. Spring seems to be on its way too,  so warmer weather = different outlook.

I know how I am, and maybe I know a little about you. You are a part of this World, and you haven't overcome life. In this World you want to matter, but we don't.

Eat drink and be merry. That is what my reward is, and it's all you really need. My heart is not like yours though, cuz I went a different path. I was made different than how I once was.

I don't totally understand how my less than perfect self is. I know eventually I'll get the perfect stuff, after much suffering of course. I am not afraid though, cuz I knew this final thing for decades. I've known all along what I must do,  I just didn't know how to make it happen. Still don't. It's why my blog is the wait. That is what I do.

Anyway, I'll talkatcha later.

Laterzzz.   ;)

xoxo.   ;)

xxoo.   :)

Byeee.   :)

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