Good morning. How's it going? Me, I am fine. I slept like 11 hours on Sunday. My fit bit keeps track of that. Monday was 4-1/2, and Tuesday 5-1/2.
There have been some things running through my mind. It is pretty surprising how much stuff we don't even know about ourselves. So many questions to my story really, and I cannot say for sure if I'll know everything about me.
I have the wilderness in my heart, and I wonder really what that is about. My time in the wilderness was the worst of my life. Now it ain't a big deal, cuz my heart doesn't worry about it. My heart is protected. Shielded if you will. Out of touch, so the wilderness is no big thing anymore.
So if it is in me, but it doesn't affect me what does it do for you? Your heart isn't protected. Things like that. Also if I overcame the 2nd time, saying I was willing to be the worst of the worst if that was the plan. Also accepting the worst possible outcome for myself, then am I? Is that the message? I don't really know why the wilderness. I know it won't make you feel good. My story is the coin though, and the insignificance of me.
All I know is no matter what, no one is so far away from help. Hitler wasn't, either is anyone else. A story about forgiveness to a people who kill. A story about a better way to a people who believe in flags, and Country über Alles.
There is no reason that won't fall on deaf ears. A story about our meekness to a people more interested in showing how great they are. Ribbons, and medals, and plaques and things are the things we collect, and none will be in our coffin at our end. What's the point?
Anyways, we've been busy. Our new stove is in. Our windows were remeasured for accuracy. We were supposed to get our dishwasher put in yesterday, but I have to first attach the countertop to the cabinet. Just shim, and screw them in. Our house is scheduled to be done March 26th. We will be as energy efficient as we can be, and that's pretty neat.
I swear I have all the time in the World sometimes. I almost thought of buying a game console. You know like Xbox or whatever. I know myself though. I lose interest quickly. I finished the killing on Netflix yesterday, and I have a backlog if books to listen to, and read. Also, Spring and Summer are around the corner, so I won't have time for games. Maybe next Winter if I get the bug. We won't have any projects next Winter.
Oh, I hurt my back. Not sure how. It's one of those pain things I never felt before. I was like is it kidneys, passing a stone, something bad? It was in my power back though, not near any organs to my knowledge. It seems to mostly have passed last night though. Weird.
Anyway, I guess that's it. I think today should be okay. I am in a mad dash to listen to two more books before I finish the stand. From the library I just got two in my series I was on a wait list for.
Busy busy. :)
Anyways have a good one. :)
xxoo. :)
xoxo. :)
Laterzzz. :)