Thursday, July 27, 2017

Gum Wrapper Smell In A Non-Stick Spray, And Other Can't Miss Ideas.

Good morning. How's it Going?  Me, I am doing okay. I survived yesterday. Going 21 hours with eating nothing but vinegary cucumbers is not as easy as I thought. I don't remember not eating ever being a big deal. Back in my younger years I had no problem eating one meal every 2 days to lose weight. After HS I found out I could gain weight easy, so I lost weight a lot in probably the stupidest way possible.

Anyway toward the end of work if I leaned down,  and got up,  I would feel light headed. It could be work is more strenuous than I think. We do stay busy. Also those with normal blood pressure have that happen more frequently than those with high blood pressure. I learned that the other day. Maybe a combination of the two. That is done though,  I have my colonoscopy coming up,  and then I am done with the doc barring sickness. If my past is any indication I do not get sick.  I never even get a headache. Even if I drink a lot for me,  I still never get a headache. Crazy huh? 

Anyway, that was about it for me. We made pizza last night. The dough we make at the bakery is so good. Best crust ever. I think it is the splash of honey we put in it that gives it the flavor.

I checked my garden yesterday. I picked 4 more cucumbers, and another round getting ready. I will soon be bombarded with yellow squash.  I picked 2 zuchinni at the perfect size. It doesn't take long for those to explode. Vegetables growing from the plant is kinda a crazy thing huh?  Zuchinni, and squash grow their satellite like leaves. It collects the sun,  and after a while this huge healthy plant has veggies come off it. With zuchinni too if you skip a day looking it may be 3 times the optimal size,  and you then are making zuchinni bread. I have marveled at my garden this year.

Today after work I don't have to go anywhere, but home. That's good. I wonder how my cholesterol will come out. I have no idea. I know it used to be high,  but I think I eat better now than when last checked. No clue though. I haven't been checked in forever.

I saw a picture of me from a few years back. I was carrying a couple extra pounds. It makes me wonder how I got down to my lowest weight in forever.  I haven't really been trying, it just happened. Maybe just being on my feet doing stuff every day. Also my appetite isn't as big as it once was. If I went out and ordered a burger, I probably wouldn't touch the fries. I may not even finish the burger. I wonder if that is an age thing. 

A lot of things to think about in life huh?  I wake up early a lot. Right now if you asked me what my optimal day would be, I am not sure. I think working,  and coming home to do whatever is about it. This is all I know, and it seems pretty good to me.

So today I basically got nothing. It happens.

Today will be a day. It shouldn't be horrible. Most days are pretty easy kinda. It's not hard living my life. Every day I could pretty much do more than I do after work,  but who cares. There will be a meal, and there will be sleep. The days really aren't worth keeping track of. They all fall from our memory.

Anyway, enough from me.

Til next time.

Laterzzz.   :)

xoxo.  :)

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