Sunday, July 31, 2011

On My Sunday I Go Long...

Well, I have absolutely no idea what I am going to write today, so I guess I will start with my workout I plan to do.  :)  See how creative I am??  I come up with so many new, fresh, and exciting ways to start my blog.  :)  Ha ha.  Seriously though, I plan on going 13 miles.   Hmmmm.  now what??  I can tell this is going to be a good blog.  :)   Lemme go get some coffee, and hopefully think of something to write about.  :)

Okay, I am back, and I still have nothing to write about.  Lemme think back to my week.  For some reason I was really tired this week.  Ever have one of those weeks where you feel like you cannot get enough sleep??  Yep, that was me.  Yesterday was good though, I wasn't really feeling energetic, or sociable for that matter, so just hung out at home.  Lisa had to work too, so she was a bit tired too, so we didn't do much.  To be honest, it was good enough for me.  I went to bed early, and am ready for my run.  I think today is going to be a good day too. 

Want to know something I think about sometimes????  Do you think it strange every day... almost... I feel like using the same signature line??  Do you find it strange I think about a lot of people throughout the day??  Different people too.  People who are all interested in different things.  I know sometimes when I add extra xoxoxoxo's I try to build up, but it comes perhaps as an expense to others.  Not intended.  The nutty stuff of life.  You may feel like you try to do good, but there is always another side that may take it the other way.  SHEESH, if politics ain't all about that right.  Everyone is on the right side in their own mind.  One of the faults of us, and maybe this is a major one.  We cannot read your motives.  You cannot read others motives either, and we probably use that to judge quite a bit.  I just thought of that.  That is a biggie huh??  A person's motives. 

Can we even read our own motives??  What are your motives for various things you do throughout the day.  Are you looking for attention??  Are you hiding from the world??  Are you trying to impress??  I would imagine that would be something worthwhile for a person to look at.  Their own motives in things they do.  It'd be interesting too I bet.  Oh, and if we communicated our motives to our friends, and significant others etc... I bet it would help bring about more understanding.  Ya know how you have a motive sometime, and you hope the person reads your intentions??  We all do that I am sure. 

Sometimes we are bad communicators.  What if you even communicate a good motive with the best intentions, but the person you are communicating with is having a rainy day in their mind, and it is wasted anyway. 

DANG!!!   Life sure ain't simple is it?  There is soooo much more to it than just the day to day huh?  I tell you one thing.  I like my signature line, and I like giving extra xoxoxoxo's, because life is fricken hard, and I like to tell people in my own little way they izzz important. 

This blog really is more about life, and I will have some workout stuff in it too.  It is also about you. 

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!    :)

p.s.  Hope Everyone has a FUN Sunday!!  I plan on it.  I have to do some laundry though.  :P

Love You All  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya  cya  cya  :D   :D

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fuckin Perfect...

Yep, just like that Pink song.  I wasn't going to blog, but I am going to, because after a wake up, go back to bed blah, and get up again again, I decided to blog.  You know why??   Because I am awake early, I am alive, I am going to work today, on my day off, but I like work, like the crazy mutha I am.  I realize how lucky I am though.

First off, even though I woke up in a good mood, as opposed to why I went back to bed, not a good mood, I read this post.  It is Jen Gray's latest post, and I think it puts into words what I have not been able to do.  The post is called happysad, and it is fuckin perfect.  Here we all are living our lives, and like the best blog ever "Catcher in the Rye"  life is happysad.  They live together in the same house, the house being your mind.  There is so much inside you that makes everything so hard.  I "should" act like this.  I really think like this.  OMG look how green the grass is over there, why is my grass not so green??  See how much shit you have to deal with, and that ain't even talking about life stress, like did I make my xxxx payment on time.

So here are some things I am happy about.  Jen Gray is a fucking rock star.  We all know it, and she is the bestest, and the greatest, but I also think highly of so many of you.  It is your humor, and you being real that makes everything so great.  You know a flower has so many imperfections probably, but it still is beautiful.  Difference between a flower and many of you??  Flower has no way to hide its imperfections, and if it did it wouldn't be so pretty.  :)

We all are so busy trying to show ourselves being who we think you would want us to be, we forget to seek, and find ourselves.  I know I know you never heard such nonsense before.  Ignore what I "should" be and find who I really am.  Truth is truth, and that my friends is the good fight.  One we can win.

As even the mountains move over time this is a race that is won with building blocks.  patience, endurance, steadfastness, diligence, and perseverance.

Come along for this ride, because some people are going to in their own time take off their shell to show you.  Others will come up and support.

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  I have to poop really bad, but I have to hand out some xoxoxoxo's first.  :)

Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Boston Kim, because she will offer more support than what she receives in return.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Jen Gray, because that blog was fuckin perfect   .xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Christie, cuz she sees her shell as well as anyone, but a bit afraid to take it off.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Doreen, because I twice used "I Love Doreen" as a title.  :)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Lois, because she is going to Breckinridge  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for the O'Tooles because they are as important as other people in my life.  :)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Brandy  *the girl* because I may want some Brandy *the drink* tonight.  :)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Tia, because EVERYONE LOVES TIA.  I am included in that mix.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

I ain't going to give John Miller xoxoxoxo's, but when I was "talking" to Lois  (FB messages) I said he was a great support among other people when my brother died.  The Millers are great.

Beth Rose Mickel, because I bet Jen Gray's post hits her the same as me.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Jules, because she always makes it.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ami Harju, and Nancy Close too, because they are two of the "realest" people I know.  They never make this blog hardly ever either.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Kim Sheridan, cuz she is shy, but one of my favorites.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

I guess I'll give Gina some too.   :)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

I am going to give some to Gene Marzelli too.  He seems like a guy you can give xoxoxoxo's to.  :)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo   Ha ha ha hahhahahahahah!!!   :)

I ain't going to give Nate P. and Gene Carr xoxoxo's, but the deserve to be on this blog.  :)

Now for really really cya cya cya   :D   :D

Friday, July 29, 2011


Well, I can always get a bit weird I think, and I can't tell if it is neat, scary, or what.  Yesterday most definitely was an anniversary of sorts, but I am a Pejchl guy and through and through we typically don't give a shit about stuff.  Birthdays and what not.  Hell, My Dad is lucky if I even call him on Christmas.  Yesterday was my brother Jim's birthday, and he died a few months ago.  I cannot explain it, but I woke up in a good mood.  I never worry about how I "should" feel, because I have total trust with how I am.  This goes back a few summers ago.  When I gave up, I cursed, and I said why why why???  Why did I ever have to be born??  Do You know the answer he gave me??  I didn't have to read tea leaves or anything.  My heart was taken that night.  Meaning my heart can go in any direction, and I am not in control.  So, if I have to have an Izzz night like I did, I do it.  Is it me calling the shots??  Well, not really huh??  If after a 5K I think about a guy who lost his wife of 60 years or whatever, it surely isn't me calling the shots is it??  I didn't even know the fucker.  :)

You know what??  Your shots are being called for you too.  It could be a movie, a song you hear, perhaps as your sipping some wine, or what have you.  You have moments of reflection, and they are there for a reason.  Everybody's life is different, and filled with different stuff.  Maybe I "should" have been in a different mood, but I am who I am, and I accept honesty within myself more than how I deem society thinks I "should" be or feel. 

Give me honesty or acceptance from "the norm" or society, and I will take honesty.  It is why I love strong people. 

That is why Doreen, and Jules, and Gina, and Olga, and Nancy O' Toole make it every day.  They are as strong as any people I know.  I can be dazzled with how shitty your life is more than how funny you are, or how great everything is, because at the end of the day truth trumps all.  Sometimes when a life is taken you may not be as good at the stuff you normally do.  That most definitely is one of those times where you take 2 steps back in order to go 3 steps forward. 

You know I learned a lot the year all my friends moved away, and my step-mom died, and I graduated college, and my girlfriend and I broke up, and my Grandpa died.  That was really a pretty hard year for me to be honest, but I learned a ton, and it was those things that led me in the direction I went. 

So really if I could give advice of some sort I would say this.  Don't worry about your beliefs, and society, and what a "norm" is, but be open to how your life progresses.  Be open as there is a reason the Earth revolves around the sun perhaps there is a reason bad stuff happens to us.  There really is a higher purpose, and it all starts with you.  I don't care what religion or non-religion you have, within us all lies a truth.  Life and society block the vision a bit, but within us is an ability to find out who we are.  In my world truth trumps all. 

Strive for truth, not perfection.  No sense in having unachievable goals.  :)

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You all!!!  :)

p.s. you don't even want to know about my run to work yesterday.  Hot wings, poop, and pain.  OUCH!!!   :)

Love you all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Doreen and Jules  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Gina xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo

 Nancy and Olga  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Lois too.  She makes it every day cuz of  Steve R's thing, but she shared some stuff with me last night.  I mean her life has had a lot of hard things in it.  Poor girl.  She is so strong, but like everyone she needs support too.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Oh, and if you want to make the xoxoxoxoxo line.  Being "NOT" a guy would help you out a lot.   :)

Ha HA HA Ha HA HA!!!

Now for really really cya cya cya  :D  :D 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Every Day Brings Something Different.

Hold on gotta get some coffee.  :)  All right I am back.  Anyway what I was saying is every day brings something different huh??  What made me think of that was we had cool rainy temps. yesterday.  We have been dealing with high heat and humidity for quite a bit, so the change was definitely a breath of fresh air.  I even got caught in the middle of a downpour with little Cammie.  So I laughed and ran the wet little bugger home.

That ended up being the day too.  I was done with everything I wanted to do.  So I went and had a couple beers.  I was able to watch the end of the Sox game on the teeeeveeee at the bar.  Sox beat DETROIT 2-1.  Also Jacob stopped by on a whim when he saw our rolls royce in the parking lot.   ;)   He had a beer with me, and left, and then I left too.  We didn't have anything for dinner, so @ Lisa got Dominoes pizza, and I got hot wings.  Num num.

Work was so so.  I have a job where I don't ever get everything done that can get done.  I left earlier than I wanted too, because I took a ride with @ Lisa instead of riding in the rain.  Oh well.  Today will be better on that front I think.  Our store is tackling a big project, so tearing it up to improve, so helping out in areas instead of doing my normal job.  Taking 2 steps back in order to go 3 steps forward type of thing.

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  My birthday is Aug. 15th, and I know what I am doing on the 14th.  ;)   secret tho.   :)  LOL

Love You All  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for everyone xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo   :D

Now for really really cya cya cya  :D   :D  

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Somedays Everything Is Worthwhile...

Life sure is filled with ups and downs huh??  In many ways it is a roller coaster.  As I said yesterday honesty trumps all, and you know what??  Sometimes life trumps all.  Sometimes when we get knocked down, we come back stronger than ever before. 

You know out there are people who deal with depression.  Can you imagine waking up every day to a cloudy rainy day in your mind??  You look for a silver lining, but sometimes it is hard to find.  Here in the Midwest we deal with weekdays in February, and everything looks dreary.  All of a sudden March comes and the world looks just a little bit better.  I think change of seasons... for me helps me.  It helps me see things differently. 

Yesterday was a failure of sorts.  I wanted to take Hope for a run, and Cammie for a walk, but I had no energy after work.  I rode my bike to and from.  I did cut the grass, and did my tomato project, but that was all the energy I had.  so cooked burgers on the grill, and had a couple beers, and then went to bed early.  It was a nice day out.  Not so frightfully hot and humid.  We actually sat outside for once.  Lisa did a ton of weeding.  I sometimes wonder what people miss out on as they are not tan in summer.  What do they do??? 

As to me missing a run yesterday I wanted to do, I saw the silver lining.  I could then run to work.  All of a sudden a failure was turned into something positive.  Would I have run to work today otherwise??  Maybe the legs wouldn't have felt like it.  Now I know for sure they will.  I wish everyone could find a silver lining like me, but I fear sometimes the gray cloudy day is a pretty powerful force for some. 

Well, anyway Just rambling out loud so to speak.  :)

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  Ya'All izzz pretty great.   :))

Love you all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for  all the regulars  Doreen and Jules, and whatnot.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Olga and Gina etc...  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

There is one person who struggles with stuff, and it is Nancy O'Toole.  I don't know what she struggles with, but I can tell it is something.  She makes my blog every day, and has for a long time.  We have had our struggles too.  I respect her as much as anyone though to be honest, and I wish I knew what she struggled with.  Maybe a lot of you struggle with stuff.  If you do I give you extra xoxoxoxox's like I am giving Nancy now.  :)   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya   :D   :D 

That kind of is life though huh??  Many times we struggle, and we try to hide it, or not deal with it, or pretend it isn't there.  The less than perfect stuff in our life.  The stuff that makes us unhappy.  Don't be afraid to look at it, and don't pretend it isn't there, because it is there.  Deal with it early, and you will find healing.  Bury it, and it turns into something worse.  Not every day in our mind is going to be a sunny 80 degree day.  The rainy days in our mind are there for a reason, but they are hard.  Especially when they happen a lot.  Good luck to those who struggle with that.  :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How I Feel Is The Direction I Go...

Hold on, I am going to get a coffee first.  I'll be right back.  Sometimes I have a ton of confidence in myself, or maybe a ton of confidence in how people perceive me, and that let's me really give a lot.  Other times I feel really small, and I shrink down a bit.  I think of a lot of things before I get out of bed, and today was no different.

I realize right now it is impossible for me, and almost anyone else to see eye to eye.  Not as in I am right and you are wrong or visa versa, but definitely different perspectives.  We can probably say that about anyone.  If I think about a previous post, I think the truth about ourselves is an important thing to try and get a grasp of.  That is the mirror I have talked about a long time ago.  I think as a start the mirror is foggy, but slowly but surely as time goes on we get shown more and more stuff, and the mirror becomes cleaner and so does our vision.

I think the hard thing to accept and grasp etc... is the less than perfect in ourselves.  You see truth is a double edged sword.  We accept the good, but the hard part is to accept the bad.  I guess eventually we get to the point where we say here I am.  I am not perfect, and I have flaws.  Like Amy Winehouse I tried to correct.  Also like a Steve Rose btw.  I was unable.  Here is my soft side, my shell is off.  Can you accept a weak person like me??

Yes I think we all can, because in the long run honesty trumps all.  You cannot be perfect, but with a little effort you can be honest and true to yourself.  That is the direction we head.  The most important thing in your life is not how you dress on the outside, but how honestly you deal with the stuff on the inside.  That is what gets looked at.  :)

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s. Mondays suck, but that is o.k.  I went to bed at like 5:30 last night.  Now I have a big day planned today.  bike to work and back, work,  run Hope, walk Cammie, cut grass, work on tomatoes.  Monday sucked so bad, I didn't even like beer.  :)  Hopefully makes for a better Tuesday tho.  :)

Love you all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Want to know why Doreen always gets extras???   trust.  She trusts me, and I trust her.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Same with Gina.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

They are two of the strongest girls I know, and you know what??  They too have a shell, and they too have a soft side underneath.  Like everyone they really have to have total trust in their surroundings to show the soft side.  In that respect we all are in the same boat.  We all have no fear showing our shell, the fear is taking the shell off.  The walls we have built.

Now for really really cya cya cya  :D   :D

Zoiks!!  Due to a history Tia and I trust each other too.  She gets my sense of humor like my wife does too.  I almost forgot.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Monday, July 25, 2011

Strawberry Stamps Typically Are Not Made of Marshmallows.

Yeah, these are some of the very important facts that I know that I can teach you.  My guess that is something you would have never thought up on your own.  :)

Anyhoodles I really don't have much today I don't think.  Lesssseeeeee.  I did get a run in yesterday.  The Sunday run seems to work out pretty well with me all things considered.  Saturday is a good day for me to pick up hours, and Sunday Ken runs long, so we each got around 9 miles in.  I start up on a down week for him.  Next week we jump up to 13 miles I think.  Nothing too much to report on the run.  Humidity was high, but temps weren't bad.  I didn't time the run, as my watch band is broke again.  :)  I didn't even measure the distance, but high school around Eldeans Yacht Club is 9 miles, give or take. 

You know what??  There really isn't much on my mind, so maybe I will do that list I tried doing last week.  :)

  • I was thinking about all kinds of things before getting up this morning. 
  • Totally Normal stuff, although not really.  Hidden stuff
  • I think my normal would seem completely bonkers to you.  
  • Surprised??   :)
  • I forget what people may or may not know, but I guess I told you why I was different now.
  • Why I see things differently.  
  • I told you what we are doing, and I assume you know.
  • You know what you have to do??   Nothing, just go along for the ride.
  • You are being shown things probably every day, and you will reach the destination.
  • A lot of Ironman stuff going on.  Kim Kim Kim finished one yesterday.
  • She was not confident going in.
  • Know what I thought this morning??  Her biking this winter.  Boring trainer rides.  
  • She did it with a group.  Misery loves company.  
  • Grand Rapids Marathon is not out of the question for me.  
  • Know what??  I am proud of Penny Nash who ran a 5K yesterday to honor her late Mum.  :)
  • Honesty can sometimes seem mean.  It is right though.  
  • Don't lie to yourself or to other people about your shortcomings.  
  • The legacy of Amy Winehouse.  
  • You don't have to tell people about your shortcomings, but don't lie to yourself.  
  • As much as possible try not to sugarcoat, because a lot of people struggle with grass is greener. 
  • The Grass ain't fucking greener, because your life is lived in your head.  
  • The xxxx people are really fricken honest.  :)
  • cya later alligator.  :)
That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  I am running to work today!!!   :)

Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Cathrine Enger and her fam.  They don't make the blog much.  She is my friend from Norway.  :)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for the rest of you too.  :)   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya   :D   :D

Sunday, July 24, 2011


That is what feedback is.  It is a barometer, so you can see what direction you are going.  Barometric pressure rising or lowering tells you in what direction the weather is headed.  Good or bad.  That is what communication does too.  It tells you how you are doing.

This is an abbreviated blog, because I have to run, and I slept in.  I hung out with Beau and Charity for a bit last night, and realized while talking with them I still have secrets.  I think this may be another quid pro quo too.  Once you open up more of my stuff comes out.  I know I have secrets, because I tried explaining something last night, and was unable.  My stuff comes out here.  If I could have explained it I would have, but as of now it is blocked... or maybe it is one of those scary things, that I should keep to myself.  Not sure.

We still gots some work to do, and yeah it isn't always how tough you are, because tough is Amy Winehouse.  She was judged every second of every day.  She failed probably every single day of her life, because she was weak in things pertaining to all kinds of things, but she did not hide who she was.  Her error was she hurt herself.  She never signed a piece of paper that basically says go kill people.  She didn't fuck up the economy and take $700 billion as a bailout, while wearing nice suits, and living in 7 mansions.  She also doesn't get paid millions and millions of dollars to put chemicals in cigarettes to make people more addicted.   If those folks are your heroes you are FUCKED UP!!  Bad eyesight.

I'll take one Amy Winehouse over any 100 dressed up Politician or banksters you throw my way.

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  Wait, I am not hungover, and I drank a lot last night.  Another one of those little secrets of mine.  An unnatural bit of energy you might say.  Remember when I said the energy post- hospital returned??  I still have secrets, and some are hard to explain, and hard to understand.  No, I don't do drugs, and I don't take pills.  I usually have a couple cups of coffee in the morning.  That is it.  :)

Love You All  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Doreen..... jus cuz...   :)   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Cathrine Yogacat cuz it is her birfday.  :)   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

For the rest of you toooooo.  :)   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo   :))

I forgot to congratulate.... on here... April and Dan Deeke???  I think for getting married yesterday.  :)

Now for really really cya cya cya   :D   :D

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Comes in spurts huh??  I had no idea what I was going to write, and I just thought of that.  Confidence doesn't remain with us always does it??  For me sometimes I feel on top of the world, and everyone likes me, and etc..., and sometimes I don't feel that way.  Maybe one of the things that hurts our ability to be confident is a natural tendency to not be very good communicators.  Maybe we sometimes (myself included) don't say what is on our mind, because we don't want to hurt feelings etc...  Sometimes we act a certain way because we think that is how we think people want us to act. 

Finding out who we are is really not the easiest journey to be honest.  Having a window to our soul usually starts off with cloudy vision to say the least.  Also when you look at yourself there are things you may not like.  Why do I do this??  Why do I think of this??  I don't want to do it, but I do.  You know the I am human and weak thing. 

Well anyway,  I don't have much today.  I am going into work to finish up my project, and stuff.  Other than that not much planned.

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  I love posts like yesterday where I give out a ton of xoxoxoxo's.  I don't always feel confident to give out extras though.  :)

Love You All  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya  :D   :D 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Stuffing Olives With Used Car Tires... Not So Easy!!!! :)

For the record this will be one of those title first and go from there kind of entries... so ya know.  I am thinking today is a list day.  I don't know why, but what the heck.  I will say a couple things first.  I ran to work yesterday and P.R.'d the run by a minute.  I know I know what the heck??  I haven't been timing my runs, and I did yesterday.  I noticed while running in the heat this week my legs seemed to have good turnover.  The heat wasn't killing me.  Strange huh??  I feel I should be real slow, but actually am running pretty good all things considered.  Where it leads only time will tell.

Also instead of doing my regular job at work yesterday I started a project.  Just redoing some aisles.  For all the complaining I do about my job I actually like it.  I love doing projects too like what I started yesterday.  I have certain things I am supposed to get done every day at work, and I usually do at least 10% of that stuff.  :)  Friday is a free day for me to choose what I want to do, and I usually straighten, organize, and count a section(s).  It is my favorite day of work, so I am always glad to take on special projects.  I always clear it with the head boss just so he knows I am blowing off my job to help out.  He usually always gives me the go ahead, because he knows I always stay busy, and I try my best, and I am also experienced, and know what I am doing.  So anyway I may fake like I hate my job, but I mostly like it.  Coming back from vacations suck, and sometimes Mondays too, but that is normal no matter what we do.

Shit what happened to my list???  Anyway something I just thought about you know when we were little, and we wanted to be important, and change the course of history, become an astronaut, policeman, football player,  whatever??  As humans there really isn't much we can do to change history is there??  In all things pertaining to life and death most of our jobs really are pretty dumb huh??  Not that we cannot enjoy them, but really in many ways it is just a pay check.  Money to live travel, and whatever you may want to do.

There is just this little thing I do here.  I blog my day to day activities for whatever reason.  Just my little way for you to get to know me if interested.  I have been blessed with more than enough courage to show you my less than perfect side.  If I have a good day you see it, and if I have a bad day you see it.  Remember I said honesty is probably going to be the hardest thing you ever do.  You know why??  It isn't always in our power to see what is true.  Believe it or not our whole lives have been filled with propaganda.  Not to the extent that a Joseph Goebbels shoved at the Germans, but still it is just propaganda.  Know why?  People have a tendency to sugar coat things.  Historians are no different.  We want heroes, and we want to make people into heroes. You know what??  None of us really are heroes, and either is anyone else.  Everyone poops ya know??  We all stand on our own two feet.   You are not a great Person, because George Washington was your first President, and you are not a great person, because Winston Churchill was once your P.M.  None of that matters really, because you will become great when you battle through all the deception life throws at your feet, and look at things with clear eyes.  Easy?? no.  Worthwhile, and fulfilling in the end???  yes.

Oh well....  So much for the list.   :)

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!  :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  Holy Shit I just spent 6 hours trying to think of a p.s. this is all I got.  Hope you like.  :)

Love You All   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Jen Gray cuz she disappears sometimes, and she had a little FB update yesterday.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Jules cuz she wants me to visit in Florida  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Doreen never invites me.   >: /   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo   Ha ha   :)

Extras for Gina  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Cathrine YogaCat Boskovic  cuz she is fun, and doing a ton of Yoga, and loving summer.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo   :)

Extras for Nancy O'Toole, because she is so much more "present" than before.  She is totally the turtle person.  She has this hard shell, she uses for protection, because it is hard to show the stuff that can get hurt.  We all have that fear, but she is overcoming it.   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

I'd give 'em to Olga, but she can always get them... she is the trust quid pro quo girl.  :D   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Tia too, cuz she likes ice cream  :)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

For the rest of you too.   :)   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Also the Michigan girls are Mindee, Charisa, and Alili.  You may notice one is missing, but that was not by my choice.  I was told to leave that one.  so ya know.

Now for really really cya cya cya   :D   :D

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Since I Am Up...

Coffee in hand, so I guess it is time for me to blog.  I really have nothing to blog about, so I guess I will start off with my day yesterday.  Not much to talk about.  I rode my bike to work and back.  I was hesitating to ride to work, because it was raining.  That put me in a bad mood, because I love getting a workout in before work... even if it is just a little workout.  The rain let up, so I rode my bike. 

Something I thought about yesterday is I am not training for anything long.  I may pick up a half marathon during the season, but since I am not training for a full, I don't need a ton of miles.  That puts into play an old running route I rarely use.  It is a 2.3 miler route.  Haven't used it in years, but it is a perfect route in this heat, because I can take Hope, and not worry about overdoing it.  Also I can get my run in sometimes during the hottest part of the day.  A thing I worried about in the past, but not really so much now.  I haven't been timing my runs, and definitely not logging them.  Why???  no reason really.  You know I used to always want to be over 100 miles every month, and now it isn't a concern.  I wouldn't be surprised if I have been averaging 15-20 miles/week only. 

Today really is just a simple little update.  I do have some important news though.  Now you remember prior to my brother dieing I got rid of a lot of people in my reader.  "The Crazy Stuff"  Anyway one of them was one of the original 4, and I haven't read her in a bit, but I added her back in.  It is Hard Work Barb's blog.  I found her blog again, via her comment on another of the original bloggers Beth's last post.  Is it a big deal??  To me it is, because it isn't easy for me to add people to my list, and I try to give the bloggers in my list the utmost respect and attention.  My list has changed a lot in the past, and usually for the worst, and usually after a really really really bad day.  I mean delete blog etc... bad day.  Those days come without warning.  FWIW it won't increase my reading much, because Barb is notorious for never blogging.  :)  Also I am not going to read her damn Vineman tri report, because really weren't there too many of those anyway???  Holy crap.   Fricken race reports.   :)   I know she came in 4th though in her AG, and she was happy, so that is good. 

Also I am adding Kim Kim Kim to my signature thing on the Great and Awesome line, because it is Barb's line, and I know how Kim, Barb, and Beth struggled through a 100 mile + ride at Jen H's place this winter.   I am also giving her the smile thing too, because her and Beth went to the same college, and have been friends since... shit.... I think since before I was born.  :)   I wanted to give her 3, because her name is Kim Kim Kim, but that is all I got now.  The thought was there anyway.  :)

Also I am adding Gene Carr and Nate P to Steve R's thing.  Not that they were there, but they are H.S. friends, and just so they get mentioned every day I blog... even if I don't mention their name.  :)  My little way to say they are important.  :)

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  rabbits poop a lot.   :)

Love You All  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya   :D   :D 

p.p.s.  I still want to add the Michigan girls to the signature line, but haven't thought of a way yet, or how I will do it.  So just pretend you are there, until I come up with something formal.  :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Something Is Different...

I noticed this the days I wasn't blogging.  It seemed like such a normal thing not to blog, and life seemed "normal"  I seemed normal, but I can always close my eyes, and feel I am different.  That being said I can sense there is not much to me anymore.  It seemed I had this endless supply of stuff to give, and now I don't.  What does that mean??  It means I need to get my coffee.  Hold on.  :)

Well let me give some thoughts and observations, because that seems like the best thing to do I guess.  On yesterday's post when I swear a lot, and I call you fuckers, and fuckfaces, I hope you know I am joking.  :)   I mean a lot of you really are fuckfaces, but I wasn't talking about you when I wrote it so don't take it so seriously.  :)

Lisa and I were productive little buggers yesterday.  We didn't get a ton done, but Lisa did some crappy shit that needed to be done, and I got some stuff done too.  Plus I took Hope out for a run in the sweltering heat, and Cammie for a walk.

Want to know something that happened on my vacation last week??  I noticed it has been happening slowly, but surely anyway.  Well you know Greg, and Brian live in Hawaii.  It used to be in years past when you talk to either of them it was always how great everything was.  They brought the truth out this time.  Meaning things aren't always that fucking great.  That just goes to show you, living in paradise is great, but still life still sucks at times.  The life sucks-- shows up in all our lives. 

Why???  There are pressures, concerns, bills, shitty cars, health, you name it.  You can have all the money in the world, and it still won't make you happy.  They get divorced just as much as other people.  At the end of the day no one really knows you, and maybe that is why there is unhappiness.  You know why no one knows you??  You don't know yourself.  Who are you?? 

Anyway something I was thinking about a couple days ago is our sight is cloudy.  We definitely don't have 20/20 eyesight into ourselves.  Our emotions on a day to day basis can be different.  Vision during a bad mood, sees things different than vision in a good mood.  We are not just one person to be lumped in some category.  We are many people, on any given day we can be a different person.  We look the same, but our thoughts are different.  You know how some days you can be a bitch, and some days not.  :)  I use the term you, because I am never a bitch.   Fuck faces.   :)

Anyway truth is a sword that cuts through all our bad vision.  A sword can be used in a good way, and a sword can be used in a bad way.  Truth when directed to ourselves is good.  A sword when directed toward others is bad.  It is the worst.  That is why it says a wise person's eyes are always in their head.  Looking at ourselves.  Why is the truth sword important??  Cause it cuts through all the crap inside us that makes us not see who we are. 

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  you hang in there kiddo.  A lot of us think the world of you.  :)  xoxoxoxo

Love You All   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

I wasn't going to give extras out today, but I am going to give extras to Kim Kim Kim.  She is a very interesting person.  She shows all kinds of sides to herself.  The reason I am throwing extras to her, is I am going to add her to the signature line, but I don't know in what way yet.  Just my little way to show she is important in my eyes.  :)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo  (sometimes that shit is nice to know)  

Now for really really cya cya cya   :D   :D 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Holy Unplanned...

Okay, I was on vacation last week, and I barely blogged, and I barely read blogs.  I think I woke up with like 20 in my reader today or so.  I was like UGH!!!  I will give some observations.  I almost sometimes feel guilty if I don't comment when I read a blog.  wtf??  That is fucked up.  I don't give myself any slack do I??  I guess what I like to do is if someone puts effort into blogging, I guess I'd like to respect that, and give up some of my time to see what people are up to.  Been bad this week, sorry.  :)

Any way big changes seem to have come on my last vacation.  I used to be a big lover of book reading, and for some reason it left me for a couple years??  something like that.  It came back on vacation.  When someone tells you a book hit them, or made them think, or something like that, well that is a blog entry kind of.  You give a bit of yourself to say what hit you to make your thoughts go in a certain direction.  I love that shit.  I always thought if someone you respect gives you their top 5 favorite books, then that tells a lot about a person.  So I read "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" series.  3 books 2000 pages maybe??  They were good.  Disturbing at times, because well... people are fucked up to do some crazy ass shit, so you know it is fiction, but unfortunately you can see how there are probably things the author has seen that make some of it real'ish.  There were a lot of underlying issues the author took up.  Perhaps too many to really do any one justice, but a good trilogy. 

In my reading hiatus I stopped reading the Harry Potter books.  I couldn't get into the 4th one for some reason, and I picked it up yesterday, and  it is fine.  Burnt out maybe?  I know I know,  Harry Potter???   The books are good, so don't knock it til ya try it. 

One other thing, I am not training for anything.  Remember the good ole days  A.B.I.T.??  Yeah, well not so much.  I don't know the reason why... just a change in life.  My plan is to do a lot of running to work, and biking home from work.  A tentative plan is to run long'ish on Sunday mornings with Ken.  He is training for Chicago, and I can at least help him with boring long runs.  He wants to start early, so luckily I rarely get hungover.  :)

So I won't be doing the group this summer/fall.  Weird I know.  Work is crazy busy though, so I plan on working Saturday mornings to help out.  For now it works for me.  :)

I gotta get the fuck going, cause I am running to work you freakin' weirdos.  :)

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  whatever happened to that bitch Boston Kim???  She still alive???  Holy FUCK!!!   :)

Love you all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for the O'Tooles for sharing the trilogy, which my wife also tried to share, but like I said I was not reading books at the time.  I guess now is the time.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Doreen, because I always think the world of her.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Gina, because she probably misses me.   :)  Bitch probably doesn't even read this.  :)  xioxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya  :D   :D 

Oh yeah btw it was great hanging with Brian, and his best friend Greg last week.  They may be coming in September to do some work at Greg's parent's house.  I told him I'd take 2 of the 4 weeks as vacation, and help them.  Brian would bring his work to Michigan.  Mostly computer crap.  We'll see.  I drank way too much on vacation.  So much damn tomfoolery.  Bunch of fucking goofs we are.   Laughed my ass off though.  :)   At the end of the day, that is what it is all about. 

cya ya Fuckfaces!!!   :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Am Lazy!!

Holy Cow get me in a little staycation, and into a book, and that is all I want to do.  I woke up at 2:00 am yesterday morning... I know what a weirdo.  I slept in til 3-ish today.  :)

I don't really have much to write.  I haven't run the last 2 days, and I did a lot of reading.  It is nice to relax, but now I am halfway through the 2nd of Stieg Larsonn's 3 books.  :)  I'll have to finish it today I guess.  :)

That really is all I wanted to say.  If I don't blog over the next few days it is just, because I am lazy, and if I don't read blogs in a timely manner the same can be said.  :)  Just so you know.  I haven't even been turning on my computer or looking at my phone much.  :)

This is all relative I know, because I usually blog every day, and read blogs everyday, but I am out of my normal element now.  So ya kow.  :)

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  I think I am going to treat myself to lunch today!!!   :)

Love You All  xcxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya   :D   :D

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Train

I really was not sure what to write about today, but the train is something I was thinking about before I got out of bed.  I guess, when I take a week off of blogging, it is hard to tell what I do.  I have been running to and from work a lot still.  I am still getting in a decent amount of mileage in, although I skipped two Wednesdays in a row.  I didn't want to visit the pain train.  :)  I'll get back at it this week or next. 

Anyhoo Brian and Greg are going up North to visit Greg's parents for a few days, so I will have a few days to myself to do what I want.  I am going to read "The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo"  It is a train.  When I see someone I respect likes a book a lot, then I check it out.  It is why I read Catch-22-- my first time-- Hal.  I got into the Beat writers like Burroughs etc... from Brian, and "History of U.S. 1492-present"  "Catcher In The Rye"  I read that one book from that Japanese writer on Olga's recommendation, and even tried the Thoreau Journals... twice.  :)   I am sure I am missing some, but that is what I thought of this morning.  Movies kind of go in the same way too. 

After I read the book, I am going to watch the movie.  Nancy and Olga did last night.  :)  Lisa of course has already read it, and has it.  She has read everything.  :)

Oh, and yesterday I did get a little 3 miler in with Hope, and took Cammie for a little 1.25 mile walk.  Not sure what I will do today.  Maybe hit the trails.  I am going to read first though. 

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  I don't always say thank you, but I do like likes, and comments here and there, so thanks always.  :)

Love You All   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for the O'Tooles, because Olga has always trusted me, and I think Nancy is now too.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for the rest of you too.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya  :D   :D 


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hey, I Sorta Ran A Race!!!

Not really.  I had a goal, and I was nowhere near it.  I wanted to break an hour, and I did the 10K course in 68+ minutes.  :)  You always have a plan, and I had a plan.  Easy does it Easy does it.  This course is hard.  It is basically 2.4 miles of pavement, and then trails, hills, and sand for the rest.  The hardest part climbing a dune basically took me 10 minutes or so to go 1/4 of a mile.  You also run a couple miles or so along Lake Michigan.  Yes so you have to tackle sandy and watery shoes.  Anyway I have no idea what I ran this course in last time I ran it.  Maybe I should check.  Hold on.  1:02:58.   Oooooopssssss!!!   Someone is a bit slower.  If I remember correctly It was a lot hotter two years ago, and humider two years ago, and I ran to the race too.  :)  O.K. O.K. I am a tad out of shape. 

Anyway I followed my plan.  My plan was easy does it until after the dune, and then pick it up if I could.  I knew I was following my plan pretty good, because I trailed John Emil, the 67 year old who turned 65 this year a good portion.  I passed him somewhere along the sand.  I kept up my easy pace, and survived the dune.  I followed a girl up it just using her tracks.  It made it not so hard.  I thanked her when we got to the top.  No one passed me up the dune, and the one who tried fell back shortly after, so that was pretty good.  Once we hit the trail again I sat down, and poured the sand out of my shoes.  I didn't really have a pick me up pace at that point, and I was not recovering up the hills very well anymore, as a matter of fact I even hit the phase where I was like REALLY????   Another hill??  SHEESH!!!  We finally hit the pavement again, and I may have picked it up a bit, but not really too too much until the last 1/2 mile stretch when I kicked it.  I passed a couple people on that stretch, and didn't get passed. 

Ken and Cory from work ran the race too.  It was Cory's first 10K.  :)  He may never run another.  :)  Ken did good too.  Ken is training for Chicago this year.  He is 65'ish too, and a multiple marathoner.  It was a good effort, a good workout, and I realize I gots some work to do.  I like being a strong runner, and I am at the point where I have been better than what I am now.  I will have to think about what my goals are this week, and what I want to run.  I imagine there will be at least 1/2 marathon, and the Mt. Baldy 15K.  I doubt I want to do a full marathon though.  Not sure if I want to tack those miles.  We'll see.  I'll run this week, and figure stuff out.  As a matter of fact, I will get a run in this morning. 

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  BIL is in town so expect a lot of tomfoolery!!!   :)

Love You All  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best!!!   xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya  :D   :D 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

How Great Is This???

Many times in our lives we look for Grand Gestures.  Some want to win the lottery, you want people to respect you, and people to like you, and you know I think when we are most liked, and when people like us the most is when we feel the weakest.  When we let our guard down.  When we take off our turtle shell, and open up our soft side.  The side that can really get hurt.  That takes courage, because really for a turtle to take off his shell, he has to TRUST his surroundings.  Of course I don't even know if a turtle can take off his shell, but you get the point. 

We all have been hurt at some point in time, and maybe we didn't even know it.  Maybe we didn't look at it, because it hurt too much.  Remember those people in the bar who didn't want to talk of sad stuff, because they didn't drink enough yet.  It seems we all have a set of eyes that work.  Every time we have been hurt, I'd imagine the natural tendency is to build up walls of defenses so that never happens again.  I guess we look at life and worry about finances, and jobs, and careers, etc... and maybe the most important stuff is what we feel inside.  The stuff that makes us ponder.  Inside of us is all different things, and it is neat to look at, and you know all of us would like to know what is inside all of you.  Kinda a quid pro quo, I show you my stuff, and you show us yours.  Believe it or not we all are filled with insecurities.  Our easiest thing to show is our self-perceived strength we have built with our walls, but the most fascinating stuff is the stuff that made you build the walls in the first place.  What made you build your walls?    I wonder if that is what we are doing.  Taking down the walls we built, because in the end it really is no defense.  Our truly only defense is trust, trust that when we become naked... so to speak... there is support, and we won't ridicule, and we will not dislike.  Kinda a strange path.  Who would have thought???  We lived a life, and built up our walls, and layered ourselves with clothes, and now we go in reverse, and take all that down.  To heal ourselves we make it so we really feel our most vulnerable, and most scared, and maybe even most insecure.  It is through our weakness where we find strength.  :)

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  Johnny Garcia won his fight.  DUH!!!   like there was a doubt.  I am running a fun hard 10K today too.  Woooooo   Wooooooo!!!   :)

Love You All  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Nancy O'Toole again, because now I understand her.  She is very thoughtful, and very strong, but she has stuff inside her she keeps to herself.  So she does need them.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Gina  Behind the strength/walls she built up is soooo much more she hasn't tapped into.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

For the rest of you tooooo, because I think you all are in the same boat so to speak....   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya   :D   :D 

p.p.s.  There are a lot of people mentioned in this signature line, although I don't put your name on here all the time, you still are in the line. 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Took Some Time Off

Hi,  my name is Steve.  I sometimes blog a lot... meaning several times each week.  Many weeks 7 times in a week, and I think I almost took a whole week off.  So let me tell you about some things going on in my neck of the woods... after I get some coffee first.  Hold on. 

Reasons for time off?  Good question.  Maybe many.  I was down the week before I quit.  I don't think I always know when I am down, but I was.  A lot had to do with... Shit there it is again.  Having to put my dog down maybe... not really sensing I was down, but I was.  Remember the whole Toby died, and Carolynn and I get in a fight, and she apologized, and I cried.  I was down about Cammie, but didn't recognize it til later.  I felt bad about saying I may have to put the dog down... I thought what if people think I am mean etc...  I hate feeling people think the worst of me, and I was like why do I do this??  Why do I blog if  throughout the day I think people think the worst of me.  Also I thought people read this thing.  I have my important people who I really want to read this thing.  It is the O'Tooles, and Gina, and Doreen, to name a few.  Gina basically said she doesn't read, and I sent her flowers on her birthday too.  #SHEESH!!!  :)

So add to Cammie, and people didn't feel me that important to read my little blog.  You know I have a signature line, and it is to tell people in my own pathetic little way they are important.  If you knock me down thinking I am not important, than how will I think my signature line is anything, but a pile of crap??  Ya know??

You know when I was down pretty low last week you wanna know who came to my rescue... again??  Beverley Smith.  aka @bunky1110   I'll give her a #FF since it is Friday.  :) I told you she was a strong girl.

So anyway, I love strong people.  People who are not afraid to be different.  Being not afraid to be different is actually a form of being honest, and being yourself.  We all are different.  None of us are alike, and it is these little differences that make us all pretty fucking neat.  Those who only want to show the follow the pied piper of Society typically are boring people.  I say fuck the Pied Piper, he don't know shit.  Follow the beat of your own fucking drum, because that is a hell of a lot more fascinating than the stupid ass pied piper.  IMHO.  :)

That is it for today!!!   :)

Thanks for reading!!!   :)

Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!!   :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!   :)

p.s.  you know I opened up about some stuff to Nancy O'Toole and she started tweeting more.  It sometimes is just little things people do that help you feel better.  :)

p.p.s.  BIL is in town this week.  He'll be here tomorrow, and I am on vacation.  Look out for a week long of drunk tweets.  :)   Also Johnny Garcia is fighting tonight.  WOOOOOOOOO   HOOOOOOOO    GO GET EM JOHNNY!!  I thought about going to the fight, but I am going to a movie with Lisa, and running a horrible 10K tomorrow.  Basically takes 2 minutes/ mile slower than a regular 10K.  Fun Fun.  A good workout though.  :)

oops... almost forgot this.

Love You all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Ya'All are the best  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras of these  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Extras of these  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Nancy O'Toole, because I think she needs 'em  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Gina, cause she is wonna my favs.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Doreen, cuz I had two titles  I love Doreen  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Extras for Maggs of SSB who tri's for Bourbon... I like her.  :)  xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxooxo

Extras for the rest of ya's tooo.   :)   xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Now for really really cya cya cya   :D   :D

Friday, July 1, 2011

For Those Interested...

Decided to do something different.  Keep them separated, and I will take the old little guy out on his own very personalized walks, and hopes maybe he chills out.  You never really pay attention to a dog, and their unique personality, unless you think you are putting him down.  He seems fine in all things, but with the little (big) puppy.  Jealous of energy or what??  Like I said who knows a dog??

I don't think me putting him down would have been very good for me, truthfully. 

I may take a break from blogging for a while too.  fyi

I'll see you around.  :)