Well, I just deleted that entry. It was probably my best entry I ever had too. ;)
Oh well, I can try again. How's it going? Me, I am fine. I finished the trim yesterday for the exterior side we are redoing. The end is in sight. Two rows, and a couple top sections. The top sections will be a little challenging, cuz of angle cuts, but it is almost done. I was so tired yesterday after work, I sat and watched tv for a while before doing the trim pieces. I woke up early today, so I feel I am well rested.
Other than that not much. Just doing my thing. Living out my days in the way I want. Work, eat, sleep. I feel I am pretty lucky living my life as I do. How you feel about life comes from the inside. I don't have to change or fix anything, cuz I feel good on the inside. It does make me wonder of others. I know why I am the way I am. It isn't cuz of great exercises or a great discipline that makes me feel this way. It is a gift I received for taking the path I went. I cannot labor to make me the way I am, and I cannot sacrifice anything to make me the way I am.
In this way you have no idea about me. You cannot walk in my shoes in the least, and I am glad I don't walk in yours. I would have walked in yours if I didn't change course decades ago.
It seems strange now too doesn't it? From the wilderness to the dead years to heimleblog plus. Now we are here, and I don't know why. Are we accomplishing anything or just passing time? I feel we are just passing time, but who knows. I suspect me being how I am must be strange. No amount of labor or sacrifice makes me this way.
I remember in my college years I always wanted to be in a good mood, and always have fun. At some point I realized I couldn't fake my way through that type of existence. Too much acting I suspect. We can't always be on, but now I find myself to wake up every day being on. Happy and content with the way things are. It isn't cuz my life is perfect I spose, but rather my heart is content with my lot in life. Work, eat, sleep.
I guess what we really want is to feel life is generally okay. We think it is something we must create for ourselves, but really it is just how you feel on the inside. I didn't make me this way, but it is how I am now.
I suspect I've been this way a while. I stand alone which is cool. I am strong on my own. I have nothing to prove, and I don't feel I miss out on anything in life. I don't strive, and I dont search, cuz I lack nothing. I miss out on nothing, and that is a gift from the path I took. Not something I created on my own.
It is where you and I differ. You cannot walk in my shoes, and you cannot comprehend how I am. I know your shoes, cuz I walked in them. I unknowingly left them when I went the way I did decades ago.
So here I am doing my day to day.
It's pretty easy.
Anyhoo, I guess that's good.
Laterzzz. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
p.s. I see some if my original entry is here still. Weird. Oh well. Cya. xoxo. :)
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