Good morning. How's it going? I am fine. I don't have anything on my mind as usual, so we'll see about this thing.
One thing I did yesterday was make pulled pork in the slow cooker. That isn't anything out of the ordinary, but we made our sandwiches with cole slaw. They always do it on the cooking shows, and I can see why. It was purty darn good. That might have been the highlight of my day, and I am not against dinner being the pinnacle of my day, so I guess it was a good day. Work went fine, and I slept good last night. I always go to bed before ice cream, so I miss out most times.
I don't have any major plans this weekend. Saturday it's supposed to be like a million degrees. Glad I have a new air conditioner. I don't work at the bakery on Sunday night, and it is my last day at the grocery store so no two jobs in one day for me anymore. Sundays after this Sunday, can be a sleep in day, and Mondays too for the most part.
So as you can see nothing too exciting going on with me. I guess in the end this really is what life is like. I bet all along we feel maybe we are missing out on something. We aren't. The grass isn't greener anywhere. Life is mostly how you feel on the inside, and I feel pretty good, and it wasn't me who made me this way. It is just part of my story, I had no idea would happen. I definitely walked blindly, and my heart yearned for things, security mostly I guess. I lived in fear a lot. Terror really, but you cannot walk in those shoes. I guess things are just good. Also unspectacular too, because in the end life surely is that.
Anyhoo, I guess that's good.
Today is a day, so I guess I better have one.
Til next time.
Laterzzz. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)