Saturday, April 2, 2016

To Tell You My Sins.

Hello, and good morning. How's it going??  Me, I am doing okay. Lisa is pissed at me so we'll see how that goes. Mostly cuz I sleep too early. She complains she doesn't have a husband. I guess if I stayed up later that would be one thing. I would stop doing this.  I kinda like doing this at times, but does it even do anything??

Yesterday I got drunk. I am kinda celebrating my "weekend off". I just work today for 4-5 hours, and I'll probably get all of Sunday off. I thought of maybe seeing a movie after work today, but now I am not sure if Lisa wants to talk to me. We'll see. Btw getting drunk = being silly for a bit falling asleep, and not being hungover. I feel fine today. Like a million bucks.

The thing about me is I am not mad. I am not unhappy. I expect of life what I get. Not much, so I am not disappointed in anything. I think life can be funny cuz it can be so ridiculously stupid. I asked one guy yesterday if such and such girl was married??  He said,"I am not at the point where I notice wedding rings."  "I don't notice if people are wearing rings,  I've seen her boobs."  He just blurted that out and I laughed. Life in the open is pretty ridiculous, but everyone hides behind stuff.

So today will be this. I'll take Hope, and then work. Seems like a perfect day, except Lisa is super disappointed in me. I'm not disappointed in me. I can only be so good as I am now. It is out of my grasp to be perfect. It is out of my grasp to give too many shits about my current existence. My life is over from where I stand. I am just waiting for my final thing. I am kinda disappointed in people. You haven't done what you are supposed to.

I was thinking of the last few weeks, and wondering why. Then I figured I was allowed to go down a crazy route to test others. I am not going to be perfect in this thing as that is impossible. Testing people gets rid of the weak ones.

The less people for me the better too it seems. So many saints out there I surely don't want to see their  lives.

Anyway that is that.

I guess this is this too.

I've lost the signature, so we shall see.


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