Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Notice Posted In The Villa Just North Of Here.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I am not really sure what a villa is, but the notice is posted at least.   ;) 

I really don't have anything to blog about. I tried yesterday,  but it was dumb. We have a breezeway that is closed up. We are remodeling to try and turn it into a 4 season room. I ran into an electrical problem though, so we called a professional. Lucky working at a local lumber yard for a number of years we knew one. Basically we have 4 switches wired,  and we want two switches,  and an outlet. There are six wires coming into the switch, and I cannot make sense of it, so I decided to call the guy who does that for a living.

We'd like to get a little pellet stove for heat, otherwise we'll have a plumber run gas, and do another vent free heater. I like the idea of having a fire though...if able. I'll have the professionals look into that too.  Get a quote, see if it's feasible etc...

Other than that not too much. My garden is doing good,  I watered it yesterday. I already have tomatoes, not ripe, but little green ones coming along. Beans will come in the next couple weeks I bet. We'll get a million in a short time. I have a day off for the holiday tomorrow,  and I worked my last Sunday at the grocery store last week. I am now 2 jobs. I work 6 days ~8 hours/day with one day off. Sunday,  and Monday are sleep in days. I am pretty excited about my new schedule.

Other than that not much. Just doing the life thing. One day at a time, and nothing too crazy on any given day. Work, eat, sleep as usual.

I don't really worry too much about anything I don't think. Especially internally. Do I think right? Is My personality "normal"  I basically think I just am. Just do what I do. Luckily I like to labor at various things, so I stay busy,  cuz it makes me feel pretty positive about myself I guess. I like my jobs too,  cuz I like to labor. Luckily my jobs keep me on my feet too.

Every morning I wake up pretty positive about me, and how my life shapes up. I dont try to mold the days, or myself into how I think things should be. I just am basically, because I can be.

Anyhoo, nothing really blog worthy here, but it's never stopped me before. I've been posting non blog worthy stuff for at least a decade. :)  if you've been reading along,  I'm sorry.   :)

Gotta go.

Have fun. 

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.   :)

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